Education means

Hi all,

The dictionary meaning of Education is “to know and impart”.
Does it prepare aperson to face the world? Do we know what education system is to attain? Out of education, what has happened to us is that-to get a degree and find a job. Our education system is oriented to get jobs.
Today Education system is based on memorizing facts like in History- when was the war fought? How many died?Etc. If you do not know the answers then you fail.

Education system means to know,to be aware; but of what?

Education means bring about the overall development of the child focusing on allthe five aspects, i.e. Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and Spiritual.

Physical Education :
This means making the child strong physically that his immine system is fully developed and create love for exercises from the childhood.

Mental Education:
to develop the child’s academic performance .

Social Education :
developing the ability of the child to be friendly, open and mixing with everyone.

Emotional Education :
Allowing the child to express his feelings .

Spiritual Education :
teaching the child, Meditation i.e. going within is what spritual education all about, He should learn
how to be happy without any reason.

Education can be imparted in initial years of the child life which will become the foundation for his entire life.


Thats true Nidhi!!!

i guess that when we impart knowledge to our kids we must not forget to tell them the wisdom behind it. an educated person may not have wisdom. i wonder if enhancing our kids problem solving skills will help lay a foundation for the attainment of wisdom or is only experience that does that.

I agree that lots of knowledge and awareness will not bring wisdom on its own.As knowing about past wars didn’t stop us from fighting new ones.Maybe beacouse the morals we pass on to our children are weaker and weaker.Educational system almost makes sure that the lines between right and wrong or good and evil are blured.But that’s were we need to come in as parents to help our kids understand the world around them.
By the way for those interested:
Bibles definition of wisdom-Fear of God is the begining of Wisdom.

i would agree with your statement.
the value of a life has been lost today and history keeps repeating itself.
we must impart wisdom so that each child one by one can help change the world.
fear of God would lead to wisdom. i think gratitude as well.

An education by definition is "the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life