educating the poor-my idea

Hi all,
I have come up with this idea recently…wouldnt it be great if people who have made educational clips (such as Youtube members) would donate the use of those clips to assembling educational dvds for use in third world countries. They dont have to be A grade quality, just educational!

Obviously, those countries have limited access to TVs and dvd players, portable dvd players and laptops (and of course the electricity needed to play them), but I dont think that is a good reason not to provide them with educational dvds. For one thing, they are light to mail, unlike books. Obviously the dvds will have to go to places with these resources, such as schools, hospitals, health centres, orphanages and large churches but my hope is that these dvds will be copied and spread around. People can copy them and sell them to make a buck to feed their families, or give them away…whatever. I just want to infect the poor with good education. In particular, literacy.
I would love to find organisations and individuals who would be willing to donate this sort of equipment to these people and establishments. :slight_smile:
I am currently teaching people in Kisii Kenya and Adum Kumasi Ghana what they can do to educate their children and orphans who cant afford school. Some Kisii women have secured scholarships to an online Montessori course which is very generous of the course provider. She will work with them to show them how to run a bush Montessori centre as she has previously helped Kenyan women do this.

My idea would necessitate giving these people battery operated portable dvd players. They can gather orphans and unschooled kids around them, and they can watch dvds that will help them to learn to read, count and much more. They dont have to have any teaching knowledge to do this.
I also want to do dvds showing these adults HOW they can teach kids to read.
The upshot of it all is that adults can also become literate and more educated just by watching these kiddie dvds.

I intend to cover the curriculum…music, art, geography etc…
If anyone from Brillkids wants to contribute clips, let me know. Flash card clips, clips of your kids reading a home made book (with words visible on screen), counting to 100 etc…it will all help to make the clips educational and appealing.
I plan to do mixed age dvds, mixed subject dvds and then more specific dvds. Early learning will be a focus.

Let me know if you can help in any way. Clips cant break copyrights, of course!

What a great idea! I wish I was savvy enough with the computer to help up, but perhaps some of the people on here that run early child education companies might donated clips to the cause too

Good idea! I too wish I knew more about computer “things”…I hope your idea flies and you get a lot of attention with it. I’m sure that there would be plenty of organizations that would jump at getting this “product”!

My suggestion would be to look into Khan Khan doesn’t have any early education material but he is creating a massive library of learning videos all free and he has a vision for mass distributing his lessons to the poor. I can’t remember the exact details, but there was a video clip on his site where he describes some people setting up a learning resource center in a remote African village with no internet access. They networked computers and connected them to a local server that hosted the entire Khan Academy curriculum among other things. There could also be some early education lessons hosted on such a server. I think the detils were in the first 30 minutes of this video:

The Khan Academy is now financially backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I don’t know if this means they will just help expanding his website and video library, or if they will help fund learning centers like the one in Africa.

That’s so generous of you Nikita.
I was wondering if you are considering starting up your own charity or will do it through an existing one (the one you mention on your blog)

I wouldn’t mind donating a little money through Paypal so you can bulk buy dvds for example.

Another thought: you would need to target areas where people understand English. With most African country there are usually two or three official languages and tons of dialects. I would guess that most people in remote villages wouldn’t know English at all.

The people I am communicating with in Kisii and Ghana know English quite well, although everyone is a he or him, which is quite funny. I do get a bit confused by this, when speaking of their wives or daughters!!
I will aim to do a Swahili dvd, and include swahili on other English-speaking dvds for the “familiarity” factor…just for the Swahili speaking areas.
One lady who has a LOT of useful clips and is on board with the project suggested I look at Khan academy…I posted the site in the homeschooling section. I hadnt realised what you had posted though, Twinergy. I will have to look into that!! That sounds exciting.
I wish I could raise funds to build a school like a boarding school, where the parents I am friends with via the internet could live as house parents, and oversee the orphans living there in boys and girls dormitories, rather than living on their own. And the street kids who have chosen to live on the streets rather than be beaten by their stepdads or whatever the particular issue is, could also live there. It would be safer than the situation they are currently in, which has much danger of sexual exploitation. So it would be like an orphanage/foster care home and school in one. The school rooms could double as sleep rooms at night. Most people live in one room houses for an entire family, so this is a practical idea.
Thanks for the offer Hypatia. I dont need the dvds just yet, but if anyone wants to help get some Kisii orphans to school, please donate via the donate button at (a registered non-profit charity in the US).
Just be aware there are more kids needing sponsors than those listed, as the info needs updating.

On the weekends the rooms can be used…one for a market stall/shop of wares they might have made at school, the other for a multi-denominational church service, as many Kenyans are christians and have to travel far by foot to attend a service. So they dont have to travel to sell wares, attend school, attend church, or collect water…it would be all there in one spot. One happy community. While they relax in the common room/dining area, they can watch educational dvds on TV. Just look in the video gallery here for some examples of fun, entertaining and educational clips. I’d fill them with music, nursery rhymes and colour. It would help lift their spirits and cheer them up from their horrible, sad circumstances. That’s my vision. I want to see them learn to educate their kids from Birth, and have the tools to do this. Many dvds will be dedicated to the preschool age.


This is a phenomonal idea, but why reinvent the wheel? Like someone else suggested, there are so many quality programs in existence that can do a better job than any amateur like myself. Why not start an official non-profit organization (in the US it’s a 501C3) with a name, some letterhead, and begin “knocking on doors” of companies to donate some already existing DVDs?

Like Munchkin Math, or Signing Time, or Preschool Prep Company, or even Brillkids and so forth. The worst they can say is no, and then you move on to someone else. Or ask someone for MONEY to buy the DVDs & equipment you need, or use it to hire a local crew to make exactly the DVDs you want so they can be copied without copyright issues. You will get a MUCH better response by making yourself official and you will be tax free. You will be able to help more people because theoretically you will be more successful as an official non-profit. Big Businesses need to donate X number of dollars per year for tax purposes and to remain positive in the public eye. This way, you could even approach electronics manufacturers for the equipment you need to play it.

There are 3 things I want to look up for you.
-The name of a rouge millionaire (I think he is anyway?) doing offbeat charity work to help tribes help themselves, like buying a motorcycle for the chief to improve tribal relations.
-The name of a VERY inexpensive laptop that was created for orphanages I think. Something like $20, a stripped down model that was practically indestructible.
-Some basic info on how to start a non-profit in Australia.

I wish I could raise funds to build a school like a boarding school, where the parents I am friends with via the internet could live as house parents, and oversee the orphans living there in boys and girls dormitories, rather than living on their own. And the street kids who have chosen to live on the streets rather than be beaten by their stepdads or whatever the particular issue is, could also live there. It would be safer than the situation they are currently in, which has much danger of sexual exploitation. So it would be like an orphanage/foster care home and school in one. The school rooms could double as sleep rooms at night. Most people live in one room houses for an entire family, so this is a practical idea.


Thanks, that would be very helpful!! I am looking online to find humanitarian grants to help with my project. Education is my focus, but providing shelter, safety, clean water, electricity, protection from mosquitoes and a library full of books and educational dvds is my dream.
I think the one centre that covers all of these components is the ideal solution. I read about Sal Khan…he won $2million in a google competition to fund his idea for education. Are they doing another competition? Anyone doing such a competition that anyone knows of? I’d love to enter, with my ideas all fully honed. My idea covers more than education, it covers quite a few categories that google were looking at. Guess I wasnt in the right place in the right time, hey! Actually, my ideas are quite new, and evolving into a more concrete plan with research into the needs in these areas.
That laptop sounds great. Unfortunately, getting things into the countries can be fraught with difficulties. Apparently customs can steal things (my family experience this alot getting things to Vanuatu), and they charge import fees and holding fees for those not paying the import fees. Corruption is rife. And theft is rife in the villages, as people cant lock up their homes. Hence, these education centres/boardingschool/orphanages would have to be lockable.

cheap laptops

I honestly didn’t read through the whole article in it’s entirety, I just googled it because I remembered hearing about it before. Skimming, it looks like there was some controversy but perhaps names, competitors products names, etc will lead you in the right direction.

Starting a non-profit

And I messaged a friend about the name of the person I mentioned, waiting for a response.

With the youtube clips…most poor people dont have access to a computer on the internet to watch these clips at their leisure. Which is a shame, as there are so many enjoyable educational clips on youtube and elsewhere, like WatchKnow. Wouldnt it be great if they could have access to WatchKNow and the Khan Academy? But currently, most third world people do not. It’s sad.

I chose the youtube clip idea as I have been long researching what is on there, and am impressed by what many people have uploaded. Just because their efforts arent professional I wouldnt disclude them. I like the idea of the dvds being RAW. I also like having different clips from different people on each dvd, so that drier clips are interspersed by catchy tunes etc, and multiple ages can be educated by one dvd.
I like that they are there, and with permission, can be downloaded. I could put together dvds already but am waiting for more contributors, for more variety per dvd.

I think I was misguided on my original impression of the offbeat charitable ideas. I think there was a millionaire involved at some point? But this is the organization they are working through to provide less common items to help them help themselves, like motorcycles and sewing machines. I didn’t realize there was already a non-profit in place. So, not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe some ideas, I don’t know.

hi friends i live in one of those countries and there is already a lot done locally to help , ngo’s charities . i belong to one of them providing funds from overseas to help scholl children who want to go to school but cannot afford school fees, donated books , dvds ,…it is wonderful you want to help all the way from australia , but how much you can do from that far why don’t you get in touch with an already established charity and coordinate with them their needs ,…
also i like to mention something might sound a bit bad and deceiving . make sure when you give that your money goes and is used the way you intended . many familea take money suppose to use for schooling their kids but never put their kids to school . there are lots of job oportuinities for people if they are willing to work but many choose not to and rely on overseas help . lots of people come help building farms , digging wells as long as the toubab is doing the work they are happy , when they let them take the responsability to do it themselves , unfortunately corruption takes over and everything is lost .
i admire you for wanting to help . do you know that signing time team visited ghana and donated their dvds to a school for deaf . you can read about their visit on their site . also you cannot trust all associations , many are making a living by starting an NGO and pretend they are caring for the poor , most of the money of the ngo goes to support their own living and little goes to the poor .
one more thing it is amazing when you live over here and you see how rich some local are , maybe not by just giving but spreading awareness is what is also needed . there is enough money in africa with some african people but it is kinda of african nation grew depending on help from overseas and become tooo lasy to depend on themselves .
I am willing to help in any way if i can so please let me know .

oh forgot to mention i am one parent from africa who was blessed with a scholarship for one online montessori online course , probably the same one you are talking about . it has been a blessing for my family and kids around us . in gambia public schools are not available , private schools the good ones i cannot afford and even if i can i don’t like the environment my kids will be placed in so i decided to homeschool them . not many homeschoolers around here , i am probably the only one in my area , montessori education is not all about learning academic , it is a wonderful way of life and a blessing to any family .
it is great if you could provide some families with way to apply montessori in their homes .

Hi Viv…
Yes it would be the same online school I’m sure. The women I mention though are all Kenyans. I have hooked in with a charity there, but my vision is my vision, not theirs, so I cant force them to take it on. And as I intend to fundraise here in Australia, it would help if Australians can do the tax-deductable donations (which probably they cant through a US charity). Also, to meet the conditions of the charity now they have to specifically help orphans, and I am trying to help kids who have parents as well. For instance, streetkids usually have parents, but feel they cant live with them due to abuse. I mentioned Kenya and the charity on my latest blog post. There is a charity in my town helping Kenyans build wells, but I dont just want to build wells.
I mentioned the Ghana charity in the coffee corner thread “helping orphans at christmas’”.
I will read up on the Signing time Ghana connection.
I have another idea to help a kenyan friend. He is in a church choir. The best or thereabouts in their diocese. They write their own gospel songs, in Swahili and some in English. I am trying to help him get them recorded, post them on youtube, then try to let certain people know of their clips. First I have to help him get a camcorder…
Anyone got any ideas how I can help there? Who might I send their clips to??

Just to add that you can always count on BrillKids to support such endeavors by contributing our software products for free and in any other way we can feasibly help.

Hi KL,
If you could take a look at my blog posts about Kisii…

also this thread…
(this man is now trying to start an EDUCATION CENTRE for the street kids of Gogoikrom in Ghana)…yet he doesnt even have a laptop so he can work from home.

you will notice that the needs are so great, and so BASIC…just getting bedding that is off the floor and paraffin to put in a lamp so they can see what they are eating is dificult…in fact the orphanage I mentioned have no money and have run out of pariffin.So in the midst of trying to help the orphanages that do have electricity, computers, tv and dvd player and such, I find these ones and want to help them MORE. Pluck them from obscurity and sit them on a hill and shower them with all sorts of gifts and mod cons.

But on the note of getting baby and toddler education to them…I hope to start my own charity and get it registered, so I can really concentrate on getting my projects running. One being starting a baby orphanage in Kisii, run by my local Kisii friends Geoffrey and Fridah. My older kids can go over and help when they finish high school, in their gap year before uni, and hopefully will return to help in kisii more.

I do know of baby orphanages that would benefit immediately as they already have some mod cons to be able to utilise the software. Mind you, as there are so many kids to each caregiver, putting the programs on dvds would help cut the workload for the carers, and benefit more babies at one time…but I would love to shower the ones who have NOTHING with these things!!
I will inbox you.