Eaton reading at 17 months

I was just wandering if any of you estimate baby’s knowledge of words. My baby is 17 months and I can estimate he knows about 2000 words or more. He can read about 500 or more words. I was able to make a short video of some words he can read. I was kind of chasing him to make that video, I don’t do that to him in general :slight_smile:

That sounds awesome! Can’t wait to see the video! :slight_smile:

That’s amazing. How much time did you spend ‘teaching him’? We have just started out and keen to learn the best way to teach my baby to read. Do you have any tips?

looking forwards also to seeing the video!


With LR we spent about 10 min a day with 3 times sessions a day. But since Eaton was 12 months he wanted me to read books for him constantly. I started to go to thrift stores and buy books for 25 or 50 cents with BIG fonts. I choose books with words under pictures cause I always use my fingers to point what word I read. I was reading to him average 20 books a day for about 4-5 months until he was 16 months old. Something changed and he wants to apply those words in real world. We read story books now, but he still wants me to read anything. Now about 10-15 books a day. I stay home so I have time for it. Eaton just loves book, what I can say :slight_smile:

Sorry for that delay. I had trouble to download my video directly to that website so I used youtube. Here is the link.

On this video Eaton is reading simple 3 letter words but he knows a lot of long ones too. I will make some other videos of him. It’s hard to catch him reading though :slight_smile:

Brill vid! Thanks for sharing. He’s a very cute little one!

I like the ginger and honey tea idea… did it work, or just burn your lips?!

Great job, Martusia! I can empathize with you about how difficult it is to get a decent video of them reading! I think it was harder for me to get the video than to teach my daughter to read… lol

That was an awesome video, Martusia! :happy: You must be so proud of your little boy!

Your son is absolutely adorable! I love watching him. He is so cute. Good job mama. You should be very proud of him.

Thank you,
Yes, I’m proud of my baby, but mostly I’m glad that everything I did paid off. The most satisfaction I have from this forum, BK program and Doman program. I’m glad that I found out all these people sharing the same interest to get the most potential from our babies! I love this forum, I got so many ideas from here!

Awesome! So cute! Thanks for sharing!! :biggrin:

Martusia, your Eaton is so adorable! :slight_smile: good job!

So great! He really knows so many words!
Does he know his alphabet letters too?

Did you also show him those flashcards a few times a day? Most of those words are in the LR curriculum, but not all I don’t think.
Can you tell us where you got flashcards with only words on one side?

Also, now that you have so many books, which authors, publishers or book series are the best for simple and large fonts??


Thank you Zaja

I’ve got flashcards from Hooked on Phonics book “Beginning Words” ages 4-6.
That is Kindergarten level. Funny ha? !:slight_smile:
I bought that book because of flashcards but my baby already new most of them from LR and books. There are 50 cards in the book. I love book also. Once Eaton will write he will finish the rest of the book.

Eaton knows his alphabet . All sounds of 26 letters. He doesn’t know the name of the letters yet as I want him to know how to read first. I plan to introduce spelling at 2 years old. (That system is confirmed with Doman philosophy) Eaton reads new words wherever we go so I know that system works.

Authors of books? hm…I was just buying books with big fonts. Any books.

Roger Priddy books: for first words
I buy a lot of books from Borders on clearance. They don’t have authors. They are just first words for babies. I buy books from Costco and Ross. They all don’t have authors.

Frida Bing I love these books, cause they are lift the flap. One sentence with big font written on left side and an answer on the right side with a flip. Very interactive books. Eaton loves them.

At this point when Eaton is almost 18 months I like to buy Susan Canizares and Betsey Chessen books I like them cause they have big fonts below the picture but also give a knowledge about specific subject. These are very simple books.

I usually buy Scholastic company books. This company is putting his logo on educational books and I love a lot of them. Thrift stores are great source to buy them for 25c each.

I hope that post helped a little :slight_smile:

So, how did you use the flashcards? In between the LR sessions?

Our boy knows the name and sounds of his letters, but he’s basically stuck there!

He sees letters everywhere, points them out, sounds them out, even pretends to read sometimes, but doesn’t put anything together yet, and although he remembers words by sight quickly, he also forgets them quickly!!

I still wonder how to make the jump from letter recognition to word recognition…maybe just more time…

Thanks for Eaton’s video!!


I was showing flashcards between LR sessions. I don’t have specific schedule. If I have something new to show to Eaton I do it for a week twice a day. Most of the time I do flashcard and LR in the morning than he has a nap, lunch and after that a lot of outside physical activity.

I think that the most influence on Eaton’s knowledge of words at this point had this type of teaching: whenever I was showing him new word in a book (a word under the picture on one page only) I pointed to the beginning sound.
If there was a picture of the boat with a word boat underneath I pointed to the B and said /b/ .Then I shown the whole word. Each word I did the same way. I still do that with new words. This is a great way to teach baby. The baby see the word and the sound of the first letter (phonics)

Another tip:

I talk constantly to a baby. Example: Eaton says some word like “dog”. I say ooo you said dog. What is the beginning sound of the dog? I wait a little bit but I know that he can’t answer that yet. I answer:/d/. What is the ending sound of the word dog? Wait a little bit and then say /g/. Or I say what is the first letter of the word dog? And then answer.

This way he picked up already words like first, second and third so far.

This is the beginning of teaching phonemic awareness(sounds in spoken words)