I would like to copy the entire LR Semester 1 and 2 and translate it into Irish. I have scanned the links below; however, I am not looking to create a new course, simply to copy the English one into Irish - is there an easy way to do this that does not involve creating categories/lessons etc?
Hi everyone! I’m so sorry we missed your post seastar! If I remember correctly you emailed us back then and we replied, but we should have posted here as well.
If you simply want to make copies of your English categories and work on your translations from there, you can do the following:
Open LR and go to Play & Edit > Categories
Select one category you’d like to copy (e.g., “Action Words 1”), right-click on it and select “Save Category As…”
In the small window that appears, type in a name for your duplicate category (e.g., “Action Words 1 (Irish)”)
Tick the box beside “Copy Words too,” then type in a prefix or suffix for the copied words. Each word’s current (default) name is represented by “%X” - if you want to add “irish” at the start of each copied word’s file name, type in “irish-%X” (you can simply leave the auto-suggested name as is and just change the file names later if you want)
Click on [Save]. You will then see your new category in the list, which is a complete copy of the words from the original English category. You can drag-and-drop the copied category into a folder where the rest of your translated categories are in.
Next, go to your copied category and edit each word in it - you will need to change the word into the translated word, and you’ll also need to change the pronunciation recordings and picture audio recordings (if any). You can also swap any of the pictures or videos if they won’t work well with your translated word.
**Note that you need to repeat Steps 1 to 6 for every category that you want to translate. Unfortunately the “Save Category As” function doesn’t work for multitple categories at a time.
Thank you for your reply. Another basic questions: If I translate the categories in the way you suggest, how do I make a course, like the LR English course?
In case you need a guide for doing this, just click the Edit button for English Sem 1 or 2 (from the Play & Edit > Courses screen) so you can check out how the course was set up. If you accidentally change some settings while viewing the course, make sure you don’t save it so your original course won’t be overwritten.