early signs of pregnancy while breast feeding

First time on here so Hello…

I have 2 daughters and and I am still breast feeding my 10month old. The last 2 1/2 weeks I have felt like I am pregnant. My period is not due until the 1st Feb and I have done a HPT and got a no on it. I have been keeping a daily record since the 15th Jan when I first started to notice I was incredibly tired. I will take the list with me to the doctor’s if I don’t get my period on the 1st.

So I would love to hear from others who have fallen pregnant while breast feeding and tell me their story.

I feel like I am going insane not knowing what my body is doing.

I just have to go tend to the girls and I will be back soon… Thank you :slight_smile:

This is the chart I started to record my cycle and what is happening…

Oct 16th – 20th 5 days length
Nov 21st – 25th 5 days length
Dec 27th – 31st 5 days length
Next - Should start either 31th Jan or 1st Feb

32 days from the day after period stops to the day it starts

15th Jan, been extremely tired all day
16th Jan, still very tired, feeling twinges in my left side
17th Jan, still tired and a tad moody
18th Jan, still tired and a bit moody
19th Jan, started to feel a bit off. Noticed C/M to be more thin and stretchy
20th Jan, still feeling just a smidge off nipples felt odd and belly feels bloated, slight increase in peeing 21st Jan, still tired and feeling a bit off and my nipples are a little tingly, still have the odd sore ovary (L)
23rd Jan, still tired and can’t stand the smell of banana’s (smell like beer) and my fave Chai lattes don’t taste the same, My nipples are getting really sore to breast feed and I’m getting pains in my left side to middle of my uterus. Increase of C/M, very watery .
24th Jan Went to bed feel sick and woke up feeling yuck. It’s coming and going and at times makes me feel like I am going to have to visit the toilet!
25th Jan, Feeling tired like I have not slept all night. Not really feeling yuck but there is a hint there. Nipples are still sore and it’s still a bit sore to B/F. Boobs feel fuller and belly feels bloated and getting twinges. My c/m is still watery.
26th Jan, Feeling tired/run down today and a little moody. Nipples still sore and breasts feel full. Belly still bloated and still have C/M that is stringy and wet. Feeling a little unwell.
27th Jan, feel tired, bloated belly, boobs only a little sore, C/M not much to speak of, getting cramping feelings in my belly.

I’m no doctor, but it sounds like you are pregnant to me :slight_smile:

agreed. If you have a boy you’ll have to change your screen name lol

Good luck!

LOL @ TMT. You might be able to take another test here in a couple of days. They make some that show that your pregnant 5 days before your missed period, I think.

lol at might having to change my screen name

I just wish it would show up on a test but I will have to ride it out until next week and see how things go. In myself I feel like I “might” be but then I think well maybe I’m not.

I think the big thing for me is Hayley is only 10months old and we were not TTC at all so it’s all a bit of a oops. Also if I am I will feel ripped off for not “enjoying fully” the time of conception :wink: I knew with my first daughter I was pregnant that night after we baby danced (she was planned) and with Hayley we were sorta trying but I also knew about 2 weeks into conceiving her I was preg. The thing with this is I woke up on the 15th feeling like I had not slept at all and it’s not gone away and then my breasts became sore and all the other stuff.

sigh I wish your body and a big flashing light on the belly when a baby is made haha

The two things that made me know were my nipples being very tender and being extremely tired even after sleeping a lot. You know your body, and if you are feeling pregnant, you probably are.

my nipples are a little sore but nothing like what they were when I was first pregnant with Stephanie… now they were ouchies!

The thing is I am not sure about my body seeing as I am still breast feeding and this will be my 4th cycle so I am just thinking maybe it’s just having a hissy fit :laugh:

I will say since having Hayley I love my periods. I do not get cramps any more and the are a total of 5 days and I know when they are going to start again. They are really easy now compared to what they were before and after Stephanie.

Sorry for babbling on but it really helps to type it out.

I found out I was pg with my son when DD was about 3.5 months old and I was still nursing round the clock, no artificial nipples.

Hubby was supposed to have left already for Iraq 5 days prior to conception. His flight was delayed twice for a few days each time, and on the 5th night before he left, we made our son. <3 So he got to know DD #1 for about 3.5 months, deployed for 7 months while I raised a new baby and went through another pregnancy, then he came home to a totally different child who changed so much in the first year and had a son shortly after. Wow, what a whirlwind that was!

I remember holding up the signs with DD iin my lap right before Father’s day in front of the webcam, I told him Lily (our DD) had something to tell him…The first one said “I love you,” the second sign said “Happy Father’s Day,” and the third one said “You’re going to be a Daddy again!”…He almost fell out of his chair lol lol lol

My point? Spacing them close to together was hard in the beginning but it CAN be done! And I’ve come to prefer it and I am thankful for God’s perfect timing! They are exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart. :laugh:

I was still breastfeeding dd when I discovered I was pregnant. A few days before my expected period I began to experience strong cramping. I thought that was a sign of my impending cycle. But when my period didn’t come and the cramping continued for about a week later, I realized that I was pregnant and the nursing was causing small contractions. They did finally go away a week or two later. So I continued to nurse dd until I was about 5 1/2 months pregnant ( she was 18 months). Eventhough I was no longer contracting, my nipples were so tender and sore that the experience became too painful. I was really sad because I wanted to nurse her until she was 2 and I had always enjoyed our time together.

aaaww that just filled my heart with emotion. You are a very strong lady to not only have a husband go away but also to look after a young child and be pregnant. My hat goes off to you :slight_smile:

Well I am booked in on Monday for a blood test. I thought I would make the appointment and if I get my period then so be but at least there is a booking just in case. So I guess I will find out on Tuesday :slight_smile:

I think we are all excited to hear the news! Keep us updated!

I can’t wait to hear the news too! let us know!

aaww thank you ladies… it means a lot to have support. I wish I could talk about this in my normal forum but I have to many friends and family on there and I don’t want anyone but hubby to know until it’s confirmed.

:yes: I will for sure let you all know :smiley: Going to be a long 6 days

from others who have fallen pregnant while breast feeding and tell me their story

everything was the same as with the first one! fatigue, sickness.
I stopped breast feeding within 2 months.

my first one was nearly 2 years.
I told her that I have a brother in my tummy.
she said: Mom has eaten the brother!

3 more sleeps then I will find out. I am hoping they can get a result back to me by Monday afternoon. The wait is killing me!

Still tired, still feel ick and still getting crampy feelings in tummy. Really liking water at the moment but not liking having to go pee all night. Im not a huge water drinker but it’s been pretty hot here so been trying to keep refreshed.

Hope who ever reads this has a great day :slight_smile:

I would like to add I have a big sweet tooth at the moment and feel hungry all the time. I also have a bit of acid reflux :blink:

Learnt something new today. Blood tests are less sensitive then your home pregnancy pee tests :confused:
I had my blood test yesterday and the result today was no but I have done two home tests, 1st last night and the second this morning and both show a very very very faint line.
I have been feeling nauseas a lot more and last night felt like I was going to throw up.

I told the doctor this today and she said that a blood test will only show up a good week after your period is due… gee thanks for telling me that!! Where a HPT will show up a good 2 days after your period is late. She said do a HPT again on friday if still no period and if I am still showing nothing then the following wed come back in.

So I am still in limbo with a answer but everything in me says I am going to be a mum again.