My eldest son learnt to read at the age of 2. From then on, he picks up books which he loves , and the first thing he does upon waking up is pick up a book and read. Just before he turned 4, we discovered he couldn’t see road signs very well, and brought him for an eye test. We discovered that he was myopic on one eye (short-sightedness), and far-sighted on the other eye, which is not exactly common. Most people have myopia on both eyes or far-sightedness on both. He also has high astigmatism. He has been wearing glasses since, and within a year, his myopic condition got worse.
I know these eyesight problems have got to do with genes (his father needed to wear glasses at 7yrs old). But is there any relation between early reading and eyesight as well? My 2nd son nearing 5 yrs old has perfect sight so far, and he only learnt to read at 4.
Pls share your experiences. Thanks!