Okay everyone, help me out here!
This week has been a difficult one for us, as a well-meaning colleague in the chemistry department here approached us and was quite adamant and vocal regarding his concerns over our daughter Alex…
Apparently, she made quite an impression at the departmental picnic, because instead of running around wildly (there were no kids there within 2 YEARS of her age!) she was quietly reading a book at a picnic table. Apparently this is a quite serious issue as we are “setting her up for serious social and emotional issues” by teaching her to read So much so that she felt ‘pressured’ to read instead of playing with much older boys…
This, along with the news and updates we have been following regarding YBCR (thanks DadDude for the FTC link), have left me with a need for a bit of a laugh, and a celebration of all things Early-Learning!
Please help me out and share an outrageous, ridiculous, exceptional, absurd, precocious, or simply amusing story about something you LO’s did or said that reflected their EL experience lol
Feel free to have a bit of a laugh or a bit of a brag!
I will start out with a slightly embarrassing tale of my own:
A month or so ago, Hubby, myself, and Alex were in an office supply store. We were in line at the register, and the woman ahead of us noticed that Alex had a brightly-colored calculator in her hands, and was punching in numbers. This is actually a game she plays, where she enters a digit in the screen, reads the number. Then enters another digit and reads the new number, then the next and the next, giggling hysterically all the while.
The woman in front of us turned and offered us an extra coupon, saying that she was a HS math teacher and supported whole-heartedly investing in math education! Very nice, Alex said ‘thank you’, and went back to her ‘millions’. I honestly didn’t think she was paying any attention, but was happy she was gainfully occupied!
Finally, the woman noticed that Alex was playing with numbers, rather than just a ‘pretty toy’ and said “oh, wow, a million! If you had one million and I gave you another million, how many million would you have?”
I think she was just being polite, not really expecting an answer…Alex was quiet for a second…then looked up at the woman and said matter-of-factly, as in, “Duh.”, one million plus one million is two million. Do you really TEACH math?!
Okay, so I don’t actually think she meant it the way it came out! But it was yet another one of those proud/embarrassed/ awkward moments that EL families experience lol
Anyway, anybody else want to share their proud/awkward/ absurd moments with their kiddos?