Our roadmap…
We followed a modified Doman program.
Lots of soft and loud sounds, lights on lights off stuff.
Grasp strengthening.
Baby wearing a lot.
3 months+
I always put him down on his tummy or standing.
Lots of babywearing.
And lots of opportunity to crawl and cruise.
6 months+
Sign language.
He started using a push walker.
Developed his pincer grasp by picking up Cheerios.
9 months+
Gave lots of opportunity to walk and trot various terrain, up hill and downhill.
He was doing shape sorters, ring stackers, cups and many Montessori inspired fine motor activities.
12 months+
Sensory play, puzzles, Montessori fine motor things.
We started trotting up to a mile per session several times a week.
Introduced balance bike at 15 months.
I did minor phonics work. I only ever introduced letters by their sounds. Never by name. And mostly only used lower case.
Started reading to him more because he didn’t hate it and run away anymore.
Color and shape recognition and matching.
Easy puzzles.
18 months+
He started speech therapy for speech regression.
Started first screen time with Baby Signing Time. But still infrequently.
Helped me a lot around the house and became quite independent. Cleaning up spills. Taking bowl to sink.
20 months+
First real screen time with apps.
Preschool University apps
Watched meet the sightwords 1. And then meet the sightwords 2 and 3 via apps. He knew all those sight words by about 22 months.
Taught him to subtitize to 5.
Acted out many classic nursery stories.
Taught tumbling, forward rolls and log rolls.
Completely potty trained.
24 months+
Started teaching addition and subtraction with manipulatives and a few concepts.
Introduced a variety of apps such as Bob Books, Euromath, Montessori Numbers, Teach Me Kindergarten.
Started reading Preschool Prep sight word books.
Dabbled in RightStart Math.
Balancing Beam.
30 months+
Taught James to count to 20, forwards and backwards.
Skip count by 10s
Completed Pre-K math standards and started on Kindergarten Math.
Read a lot. About 30 minutes a day for James and about an hour a day for me. We mostly stuck to levelled readers.
Started a drawing and writing journal (rather James dictated)
Graduated speech therapy.
Trapeze bar for hanging, swinging and flipping.
Used a child swing as opposed to an infant/toddler swing.
Swam underwater for 10-15ft.
We let up on his tv ban, (with the exception of Mighty Machines) He started watching tweedlewink, YBCD, YCCD, Peter Weatherall and much more, but still sparingly and only educational stuff. .
Little Muscian
Reading Bear
36 months+
James is flying through Kindergarten level math and some grade 1.
Working on a Montessori sensory program.
Has a DRA reading level of 16, which is upper first grade. He moved from a complete sight word reader to a balanced reader who can sound out words.
Draws basic shapes, a few numbers and a few letters.
Can discuss science topics such as Matter, Gravity, Earth’s Orbit, Seasons… And much more. We use BFSU as a science spine. But supplement a lot.
Knows where he lives, knows where Australia is. Knows several presidents. And he knows more about vehicles, trains, diggers etc than I ever will know. We use What Your ____grader needs to know as a general knowledge spine.
He has good manners.
Tells the time on an analogue clock.
Can pedal a bike with training wheels. Do straddle rolls. Backward rolls and bridges with spotting.
Identify musical concepts such as dynamics, pitch, tempo play Mary Had a Little Lamb on keyboard.
We also take advantage of the wonders of YouTube Videos for learning. We cover science, math, reading, calendar time, weather and so much more this way.
In the near future… (36-42months)
Improve reading.
Work on writing.
Character Building, virtues and executive function.
Master all math drills and money.
Do gymnastics, dance, swimming.
Continue with music.
Wow! This was long… But as you can see. I didn’t do too much in the way of reading and math until James was almost 2. And I beleive be is thriving.