Early Learning for Beginners - how can others start?

Hi! I am new here, but really in love with EL. It seems to me like it is the answer for everything, as humans we need to get a whole lot smarter if we are to continue as a species and as a teacher (who elects not to practice) I am against putting kids through the drudgery and dumbing down of conventional school.

So since discovering this world I have been sharing with lots of people about why the world needs EL and how easy it is. BK is a great first reference, and I usually refer people to this. It is easy and even busy working parents without a passion for EL can do it. But what comes next? Is there a blog that explains EL for dummies, where to start and where to go from there? Good EL resources, good first, second, third steps and so on? Or what do you suggest? What are the best resources and a path for the general parent to take?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Oh that is really a tricky question. There are resourses around but since each journey is different one size fits all just wouldn’t work. Well it could but that might defeat the purpose somewhat.
Anyway after here I usually refer people to read up about Glenn Doman specifically getting hold of one of his books. “How to teach your baby to read” or the encyropedic knowledge one or if the kids are really young the smarter baby book is great.
This will give a basic road map to get started on the EL journey. little reader and the products here are a much easier way to implement the system than hand writing cards!

I have found so much valuable information just searching this wonderful forum! I also read Glenn Doman books. There are so many different experiences and perspectives that as was already mentioned, it’s difficult to say what each of the steps are. Lots of members here have blogs in their signature. Maybe you could read through some of those to get some ideas and more detailed experiences.