Early Learning Downloads

here is a link to early learning free worksheet downloads :smiley: http://www.kidslearningstation.com/math/

Hey thanks for providing useful info. My child school has prescribed them free online maths lessons http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gurubix&page=1 all the children go through the lessons and prepare their home work. As a mother i clear his doubts at that point.


great resources… thanks

Hey evachong thanks for liking my resource. Did you have a look at www.youtube.com/user/GuruBix?ob=0&feature=results_main are you able to open it? Did you find any difficulty in opening it?

no !

it is fine for me !

Great evachong then go ahead and use free www.youtube.com/user/GuruBix?ob=0&feature=results_main