Early crawler, late walker!?

We’ve done Doman stuff, including crawling track, from birth with dd2. She has done everything really early, like rolling over at 3 weeks, sitting, pulling up to standing, cruising, crawling on her belly from 5 months, crawling on all fours from 6 months…but now she’s 13 months and still doesn’t walk full time! She walks a bit, and has done since 11 months, but still mostly crawls! We thought for sure she’d walk early, and we know it’s fine and crawling is good for the brain and whatever…but have any of your babies done this early crawling but late walking thing?

I DON’T have experience with this - my guy was a late crawler (11mos) and walker just one month later (12m12days).

BUT I don’t think I’d worry too much about it if I were you - particularly since she’s demonstrated that she CAN walk. She’s just choosing not to at the time. When she has a big enough reason to she’ll get up and go - and then you’ll have to sweep your own floor - no more dusty baby knees lol

Does she wince, cry or otherwise indicate that she’s in pain when she stands/walks? I ask because two weeks ago my 3 year old refused to walk and only crawled - he had some issues that were worked out through visits to a chiropractor and a physio therapist but all is good now.

If she walks a bit. I wouldn’t worry. She can walk. She just choses not to.
She’s still young. My four girls walked at different times in their life. With my youngest being my latest at 15 months. I’ve seen some kids walk later than that ( but they mostly have medical problems like my daughter).

I would start finding some toys for her that require her to stand up and use. That will encourage her to stand up and play :>)

My Son was early crawler and early walker. he was able to walk by him self at 10 months. he crawled for v few weeks. he was able to run at 1yr. :slight_smile: