DVD Advice

I’m a single mother and have a 3 month old boy. I was looking into getting him some DVDs and was wondering what advice everyone has.

I want to get him some DVDs for a few reasons. He does not enjoy tummy time, at all. I’m tried play mats, doing tummy time in his crib with me beside him, etc. However, he LOVES television. I don’t have cable myself, but any time we’re someplace with a tv on, he struggles to look at it, no matter how many times I turn him away. I was thinking I could lay him on the floor with a laptop at his head, meaning he could only watch it from his tummy. Also, as a single mother and a student, there are times I just can’t be interacting with him. I’ve made him a Doman style checker board and printed a bunch of the infant stimulation cards, but he is just not that interested (although he likes going through the Bit cards with me). It’d be nice to have some sort of entertainment for him that isn’t completely worthless.

What DVDs are somewhat cost effective and beneficial? I haven’t heard great things about Baby Einstein. We have YBCR DVDs and he’s liked them the few times I’ve played them, but I don’t want to overplay them and make him bored.


Sadly as much as I liked Baby Einstein they are not proven to teach your child a thing. They are cute though.
I used them with my older girls but really they were just cute videos.

At his age you won’t bore him. He hasn’t developed that quite yet. So keep putting those DVD’s on a couple times a day for him. You’ll know when he gets bored and hopefully by that time he’s gone through the program :biggrin:

Also there is more to teaching baby to read other than with DVD’s. You can use flashcards with words on the front and pictures on the back. The slideshows here on Brillkids, Memoflix and oodles of other places. You can make personalized Powerpoints for your baby too.

There are other DVD programs such as Monkisee, Signing Times and Love to Learn ( you can google those right up too)
But you want to stick with one program at a time though as not to confuse them. But you can use multiple methods to teach the words to keep them from getting bored.
Monkisee sells a great DVD called A Guide to Teaching Babies to Read. On this DVD she includes all sorts of ideas, flashcards, powerpoints, games, books you can make in addition to using a DVD program and there is no need to be using Monkisee if you don’t have the program. http://stores.intellbaby.com/-strse-58/A-Guide-to-Teaching/Detail.bok

Thank you for the suggestions. I will Google those. And no, I would never expect him to learn to read from a DVD. I’ve started working on his flash cards and we have the YBCR books. I really just want educational DVDs as an incentive to have some tummy time and to allow me to cook or study.

Here is a list that my son and I had enjoyed when he was younger.


Our favorite baby/toddler signing DVD is Baby Signing Time Volume 1 DVD.

  1. Brainy Baby: Left Brain – Inspires Logical Thinking DVD ~ Brainy Baby
    The list author says:
    “much better than BB right brain and other BB or BE dvd’s”

  2. Brainy Baby: Music DVD ~ Brainy Baby
    The list author says:
    “great dvd to introduce musical intruments and many factors of music”

  3. Brainy Baby: Art DVD ~ Brainy Baby
    The list author says:
    “great dvd”

  4. Our Country USA to Z DVD ~ various
    The list author says:
    “Awesome and educational dvd, a favorite! Another good one that I rented from the library is A to Z symphony muisc appreciation 101 for toddlers.”

  5. Your Baby Can Read!: Review DVD ~ Robert C. Ph.D Titzer
    The list author says:
    “The only dvd you really need out of the entire set of YBCR dvd series.”

  6. Baby Einstein – Baby Noah – Animal Expedition DVD ~ Baby Einstein

  7. Baby Einstein – Baby Wordsworth – First Words – Around the House DVD ~ Baby Einstein
    The list author says:
    “he learned sign language easily from this dvd”

  8. Baby Einstein – On the Go – Riding, Sailing and Soaring DVD ~ Baby Einstein

  9. Baby Einstein – Baby Galileo – Discovering the Sky DVD ~ Baby Einstein

How about Sparkabilities?
I haven’t bought them yet, but after watching the four clips on their channel http://www.youtube.com/user/sparkabilities (2 for babies and 2 for toddlers) my son showed me a shape in the clip and named it (“circle”). That’s amazing considering he’s non-English native and he does not like to name shapes in his own language! They are fast, entertaining and hold the child’s attention. I need to save money to buy the four DVD pack because I believe that for my son it’s worth it.
I like the way they teach music by using real musical instruments’ sounds in the background, and the way they use a lot of stuff just in few minutes time. They have sign language too as I understand. It uses Doman method as far as I see and much more and some things similar to TweedleWink.

As a low budget family I found very useful to have these DVD’s:

YBCR (the first teaching DVD series that we had and the first in our son’s preferences)
Little Pim (we have Spanish)
TweedleWink (our son loves the affirmations and perfect pitch and sometimes vocabulary boosters)
Trebellina (the characters are funny and meaningful, our boy loves it)

Next on list (“next to buy” I mean, although they will be somewhere in the top of my list of preferences):
Sparkabilites - 4 DVD’s
WinkToLearn Encyclopedic DVDs

I found about and chose all these with the help of BK forum members. The posts here helped me a lot.
The list above, next to LR and LM is to be used with our next child (whenever that is…). That’s why I’m interested too in cost effective teaching products :slight_smile:

Hope you find something that your baby will love!

The Signing Time video series is also great. We also liked Baby Signing Time. I second Wink to learn and Little Pim.

These are our recommendations:

  1. Signing Time
  2. TweedleWink
  3. They Might be Giants (Here come the 123s, Here come the ABCs, Here comes Science) - they have a CD and DVD so you can play the CD in the car.
  4. Wink to Learn - Animal Encyclopedia

What about the obvious, Little Reader - they have some infant stimulation and lots of right brain activities. Or Little Math has basic Geometric Shapes.

There are lots of free Readeez clips on youtube and my 3 month old Son loves to watch those.