Dutch children's book and movie suggestions?

I would like to make a book order to bol.com but they have literally thousands and thousands of titles to search through. I wonder if anyone can make any suggestions to me of Dutch children’s books that your children enjoy. I’d like stories for bedtime… my children enjoy Curious George in English… that kind of story. In Dutch we had a “Dribbels Voorleesboek” from the library once and that is exactly the sort of book I had in mind (several stories in one book), but I can’t find that exact book on bol.com. Also, any DVD’s that your children love? Bob de Bouwer is one I’ll get for sure… I think they’d love it. My children are 15yog, 12yog, 9yob, 5yob, 3yob, 1yob… I’d love any movie titles suitable for the whole family, but any movies that aren’t for preschoolers I can only find available in English. Don’t they make popular English movies into Dutch available somewhere? (Like Walt Disney cartoons, Madagascar, Prince of Egypt for example… all ages enjoy watching them). Anyone know where I could get more Dutch resources like this… I only know of bol.com.

i have a vhs dutch Beauty and the Beast I dont want, but I live in Australia…under 500g costs $15 to post…above that is expensive. I have seen other books and vhs in my travels, but havent bought them as I’m not interested in the Dutch language. Can keep my eye out for you in 2nd hand shops. I know some dora dvds come in dutch, and I’m sure dutch is an option on other dvds I have. I could collect them and send them sea-mail.

Thank you so much for your reply… that is very thoughtful. However, I think that there is the problem of video regions and I don’t believe I would be able to play a VHS video from your region in my region without a special video player. I have found out all this after researching more since writing my post… even if I ordered from Europe, I wouldn’t be able to play the videos. There is a store selling Dutch books and movies in a very large city about an hour from where I live, and I’m planning to make a trip there one of these days… I assume they would only be selling videos for this region there… hopefully I’ll find some materials there (we are getting very bored of the stuff we have!) Well, again, thank you for your reply though.

Hi momtomany

I have sent you an pm

My VCR plays videos from anywhere in the world… and so did my previous one. And they arent considered “multi-region”. I find that PAL and NTSC tapes seem to be exactly the same…

Really?! So many people are saying that it won’t work. That would be nice if it does because it is very very hard to find movies for North America that are in Dutch or have a Dutch language track with them… (I’m particularly interested in Disney movies… I find them so universally appealing across all age groups). I’ve heard it is the same problem for VHS and DVDs alike… are you finding it works for you with VHS or DVD?

In my local supermarket they sell disney dvds, some of which play in Dutch. Also Dora and Diego often play in Dutch.