Due Date

on average how many woman actually make it to there due date?
what week did you get to?

My oldest was born on his due date- something my mother didn’t do with 11 kids. Hey, it does happen! My second was born the day after the due date, my third was born 5 days early, and my 4th was born 6 days early. My mom was almost always about a week late.

Due dates births do happen :smiley: But you need to remember that calculations are not always accurate and there are a number of factors that determine actual spontaneous birth date.

With my 3 kids - 1st one was born at 42 weeks and 3 days gestation
2nd one at 43 weeks even :yes:
3rd (and largest one) at 40 weeks and 3 days

None of them showed ANY signs of so called “post-maturity” and I believe all were born in perfect time, chosing their own birthdays :smiley:

Cute fact, my second one was born on the 7/07 at 7 minutes past 7 :nowink:

And I see that you are 50weeks pregnant now Skylark. :smiley:

My son was born 38 weeks even.
We had three dating methods; conception, LMP and early U/S that confirmed the same due date.
Even so at 38 weeks my son was not fully developed. Drs tried to tell me that all dating was wrong and he was really 34 weeks because he had lanugo and immature lungs.

lol lol lol

Wow, 38 and possibly 34 weeks – it must have been difficult adjustment for him…Glad all worked out well!

My cousin had both of hers on her due date - of course she says it is because that is what she wanted :rolleyes:

I was given 2 due dates, four days apart, at 2 different scans but my naughty boy couldn’t wait to come out and only made it to 29 weeks. Fortunately he came out screaming and all he had to do was grow and learn to keep warm, breathe air (he only needed ventilation for 12 hours, but had extra oxygen in the incubator for a couple of weeks) and breastfeed. He was out in 6 weeks and I had the joys of a “newborn” for months and months :laugh:

You wouldn’t know it now though - apart from a lazy approach to gross motor skills and our annual winter bronchiolitis (not bronchitis - just a chronic cough/wheeze for which there is, unfortunately, no medication) he is healthy as you please and smart as a button :happy:

To calculate your due date, your doctor will take the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), and add 280 days (the equivalent of 40 weeks). For example, if your last period started on January 1, your due date would be September 7. This method assumes that your period arrives like clockwork every 28 days. If your cycles are longer, you’re likely to deliver later than your due date; if they’re shorter, expect to deliver earlier.

I only made it to thirty six weeks and one day (36, 1) with my first pregnancy. As for this pregnancy, I am thirty nine (39) weeks pregnant and feel nothing. I am a bit worried that I will not go into labor on my own as my first pregnancy resulted in an unwanted c-section. I began drinking red raspberry leaf tea with is supposed to act as a uterine tonic. I felt a change with it, but I could not sleep at night when I drank it. I tried walking more, but it has been difficult because of other responsibilities I have (other children, work in the home). Best of wishes to you all!