DS's going to a preschool. 3 half days/week or 5 half days/week?

Hello All,

My DS is 2.4 years old. My husband and I are planning to send him to a montessori Preschool this September. I
I am a full time Mom and my son is with me 24/7. He was very independant and was not clingy at all. However, I attended a
how to handle toddler behavior class when he just turned 2. I had to left him with the staff for 2 hours because children were not allowed in the class.
He cried a lot and since that day, he changed and became very very clingy. He is very attached to me. I have to be within his sight. If I am out of sight,
he is crying Mommy. My husband used to be able to put him to bed but not anymore. He only wants me there in the room with him.
It’s my fault. I should have not left him with strangers when he was not ready for that. :frowning:

He is an only child. He is quite shy and does not really know what to do around other kids. He is content playing by himself but we want him to learn how to socialize with other people. So, we think sending him to a preschool is a good option. Because he is so attached to me, I am just not sure what’s the best schedule for him.
The school we’ve chosen has a very flexible schedule. We are looking into 3 half days or 5 half days per week. (9 am - 12 pm)

The 3 half day program could be good because he is not used to being away from me. 3 half days should be a good transition until he is ready for jr. kinderkaten readiness program next September. However, I am worried that the 3 half days may not be enough for him to get used to being away from me for couple hours a day. Maybe the 5 half day program will make him understand that he has to go to school but I am not sure if he is ready for that. :confused: I am so woried and don’t know what to do.

Please share your thoughts and experience. Thank you!!!

In addition, the school has full day programs too but I am certain that he is not ready for a full day program. Plus, I still want to continue showing him LR/LM, and let him enjoy other educational activities in our home.

The main reason he is going to school is to encourage him to be more sociable.

You could start with 3 and work yourself up to 5 days. From my experience in working with daycare. The kids who went two to three times a week were the ones that had the most difficult time adjusting. It was like if they took that break they had to restart all over again. It was tough. The ones that were there 5 days a week seemed to adjust well because they knew that they were going everyday.

I won’t get into the time though. If its 5 half days that’s just fine for a 2 yr old. Full day would be to much. Even for my 4yr old. She goes to prek full time and its rough on her.
We still manage to get LR in with all of that.

As for the clinginess. It takes time. Even my 4yr old still does this. Just know that when you drop him off he will be just fine. As long as he’s in a safe place and enviroment he’ll be just fine. I know it took my daughter almost 3 weeks (maybe a little longer) to adjust.

Thank you very much Tracy for sharing your experience.

Sometimes, I don’t know if sending him to a preschool is the best for him. However, I know it has to happen at some point.
I find it’s hard to be separated from him. Even though it’s just couple hours a day. Well, I am also very attached to him, I guess. :laugh:

Like you said, one of the reason I am not so sure about the 3 half day program is the longer breaks. I am thinking about starting with the 3 half days for a
month then 5 half days in the beginning of September.

Thanks again!


Hi, did you take your child to preschool. How is he doing. My son is starting preschool tomorrow and I am not sure if that is the right thing for him, he is 3 yrs old. :dry:

Hi LM,

Yes, I did. He started with 3 half days per week in August and this month, he is going 5 half days per week.
He cried on and off on the first two weeks, and did better on the third week. Now, he only cries when I drop him off and pick him up.
The teacher told me he’s doing good and only cried for a few minutes after I left. He eats, and drinks well so I guess going to preschool is not that bad. lol

My son is a type of kid who does not like surprises. He likes a clear schedule so every day I set up the alarm for when he needs to go to school. He never fuss and will let me do what I need to do to get ready before we leave. He does look really sad, and knows that I will be leaving after I drop him off. It’s so hard to see his sad face knowing it’s because he misses me but I am positive that he will love going to school.

Don’t worry. It’s hard at first but then he will get used to it, and learns to enjoy it. Plus,I feel so good having a few hours by myself. It makes me happier which means, a happy me, a better mom. lol

How many days your little one is going?

Thanx a lot for your input, it really is not easy sending him to preschool.
He will be going 5 days a week, 3 hrs a day. first week I’ll stay with him for about an hr, 2nd week I’ll leave him for about an hr and see how he gets along.
I am still not sure though if thats the right thing for him. I am also xpecting my 2nd baby anyday now, so I don’t want him to feel like I am pushing him away because of the new baby.Is 3 yrs not too early for him to go to preschool? Plus next yr he is starting school, which means this is the last yr I’ll have him “full time” all to myself, that is if we decide not to take him to preschool. At preschool they won’t be doing a lot of educational stuff, its just playing and socialising with other kids.

Hi LM,

How have you son been doing at school? Does he like going to school? Does he cry? I hope he loves going to school.
My son now really likes school. He is still a bit emotional when I drop him off but does not cry when I pick him up anymore.
I am so pleased he gets to love school and knows school could be fun.

Oh, I don’t think 3 years old is too early for preschool. As you know, each kid is different. Some kids need more times, many don’t.

