DS Picking up negative behaviors from Preschool

Hi All,

My son has been in preschool for almost 2 months now. He likes going to school and has been doing fine at preschool. However, I have noticed that he has picked up some negative habits from his friends.

My son was not a whiny boy but now he has become ONE! There is one little girl in his class who likes to say “I don’t want it” in a very whiny way. My son does it too and in the exact same tone of voice like the girl. :wacko: He is a good copycat!

Then he will keep saying “Mommy Daddy Mommy Daddy Mommy Daddy”…and pretends to cry like a baby. He even coo sometimes!. Oh my gosh I don’t know what to do because I had never dealt with a whiny kid before. Where have my big boy gone? The one I have at home now is a whiny pretend to be baby one. :closedeyes: Oh and he is the only kid we have so he is well loved and cared for at home.

How did you deal with this? I am trying hard not to lose it. I count him and send him to his room. I have order a book How to Talk So Kid Will Listen and hopefully that book would be the light at the end of my tunnel. :wink:



OMG I went through this with my first daughter who is now 8, and am now going through this with my 3 year old. She started preschool a month ago and has picked up whining, crying, the mommy daddy thing, and melt downs. When my oldest started preschool and learned to whine I would just tell her that my ears could not hear whining. As soon as she started whining I would tell her “Uh oh, is that whining? My ears are starting to turn off because they can’t hear whining.” And then I would flat out ignore anything that was said in a whining voice. Then I would say something like, “My ears will turn back on when they hear a nice normal voice.” After a couple of times of this she finally gave up the whining. Every now and then she would try and test me with the whining to see if I would give in. But I just stuck with same story every time. As soon as she would start to whine I would say, “Uh do my ears hear whining?” And She would usually sigh and say no, then ask for what she wanted in a normal voice. Since my 3 year old just started with the whining I am trying the same method. Hopefully it will work like it did for her sister.

c4andy20, I am so glad I am not alone. lol
I was at my wit end last weekend because of the nonstop whines! I have been using 1-2-3 magics and he was counted numerous times on the past weekend. Whenever he opened his mouth to whine, I counted and sent him to his room. :closedeyes:

Then on Sunday evening, I sat him down and told me how much I disliked it when he became whiny. I told him Big Boy did not whine and when he whined, I would completely ignore him, and walked away from him every time he started whining.

This morning, he started again, and I just said “ah that’s call whiny” (your trick, c4andy20, LOL). He stoped lol.

I think I have to stand my ground and let him know that being whiny means away from Mommy.!!!

