Drumming for toddlers

My husband drums around the house. My 2 year old toddler is starting to really enjoy playing the drums. Not much rhythm so far though. When did your kid start actually holding a beat? (i.e. How much more random banging am I going to have to listen to lol )

I can’t even hold a beat! :wink: lol :biggrin: :confused: :wacko:

My boy is 16.5 months old and the other day he “tapped” his leg while “Old MacDonald” was playing. (“tap” is a YBCR word, as is the video of Old Mac) It was in perfect time, however, I think it was a fluke because that hasn’t happened since! It would be amazing though if he did keep it up as I can’t sing and clap at the same time…it’s one or the other!

Hi, I hope to teach my little girl drums too! (My hubby plays, and I play some.) She is almost 5 months, and we have been working with her, like holding her hands and moving them to the beat when we sing or listen to music, or tapping her arm or tummy or back to the beat. I have never heard of anyone else doing this, but I figure it can’t hurt! (Has anyone heard of doing this?)
She can keep tempo very well, like she will bang a toy or stick on the floor or on her crib or on her leg in perfect time, but not any specific beat, just tap~tap~tap~tap~tap~tap. Know what I mean? I hope she keeps it up! Hopefully in a few months she will get the different beat concept.
(I LOVE watching the little 2 and 3 year olds on youtube playing!!!)