Dr Schichida method

Hi was wondering if someone has used this method and what they thought of it?

I cant seem to find a thread about it?

Hi Kimba,

You might find this link useful- http://trainingforbabies.blogspot.com/search/label/Lesson%20Plan

It contains details of lessons etc

Another link that might be of interest-- http://educationinjapan.wordpress.com/of-methods-philosophies/dr-shichidas-spy-kids-school/

Dr Shichida product links- http://www.shichida.com/dtl_shohin.aspx?scd=123-600

                             - http://www.shichida.ne.jp/torikumi/index.html  in Japanese 


Thank you Chris for the links. Do they do all of those activities in one day? And they do it every day? Wow.

Kimba15, you might trying the search again and use the spelling - shichida. Quite a few discussions came up when I changed the spelling. :slight_smile:

Hi THen,

The lessons do appear to contain a large number of varied activities. But i guess that most of the activities only last a few minutes. Thought that the information would provide a useful insight into the Shichida method.


Thankyou for the information Chris1

I was wondering where could purchase some of his products or would tweddlewink cover alot of the the things that shichida covers? Since I know that one of the founders did work with shichida in creating tweddle wink?

Do you use this right brain method with your child/ren and if so what results have you had?

Hi Kimba15’

Sorry for not replying earlier- i mainly used GD methods to teach my children. They were all able to read independently prior to their third birthdays and they still enjoy reading. My eldest is going to Uni this year and my younger children are doing well at school.

Shichida products are expensive and i have read that the shops only sell to registered parents. You might be able to buy products from one of the Shichida schools-

link to Shichida Schools http://shichida.co.jp/english/c1-4_school.php these contain contact details.

You might want to consider this site for similar products http://www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com/right-brain-games.html


Interesting link - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=X-xl7_hdWZo&feature=related

These methods and others appear to be taught in the Shichida system

Testimonials http://www.shichidamethod.com/testimony.html

