Douglas Doman in HK - got a qn for him?

As KL said DD, son of GD, is in HK. I got a ticket to his talk. Anybody has any qns that they would like me to ask him or to KIV if someone asked that qn and post his reply here?? It’s hard to attend his talk least talking to him, but í’ll do my best…

I would be asking - why do my child points to both cards when i am asking “which is” …
anybody else got any others qns for DD?? other than those found in his book of course as its only a short 2 hr thingy … thx

will post his answer under this link

I have one (I am not sure I put it in right words, though I tried :slight_smile: )

Is there a study as to the child’s natural abilities/talents affecting the results of GD program? i.e. will all kids learn the same things in the same time if put through the program consistently?

I have one question too. My child wants to say the word out during the presentation, and thus does not seem to be paying attention to the next words. Should I pause to let him finish? Or would this slow down the whole presentation which is supposed to be “flashing” and “fast”?

Thanks for your offer. I once had a bunch of questions and I wrote to their e-mail. They took a while to answer, but they did reply with a very personal (specific) letter answering each one of my doubts.
this is the e-mail address ( You may also want to try it.

wow sounds great maybe we compile an entire list of qns for them and email to them as well…instead of having each of us email on our own … this way everybody gets to know what kind of qns is pertaining to their own experiences and what is the solution by GD… if we each mail on our own it may take longer for GD to reply since he may have to read thru them all and answer each one individually … but i try my best to ask DD first … the talk is on 11/4/09

Hi, DD was in Latvia half year ago, and that was my first introduction with this system at all. Therefore, I just wondered about everything, and did not have any questions.
Karma to you :):slight_smile:

Later I got some questions. The most important is:
about the development of vision.

In our family, we all are short-sighted. (Parents and grandparents.) We started to wear glasses at age 8 - 11.
What are the possible causes of short sight and is it possible to avoid it with my child (2 years). Until now, doctor says that everyting is OK. But I am sure that if my doughter will wear glasses than people will blame our early education for it.

One more question.

In GD books, teaching with paper cards is adviced.
Nowdays, we use computer slideshows and other resources.
With computers, we can make our sessions more attractive, and increase the amount of information. We can show, for example, 50 slides instead of just 5 cards, and a child still enjoys it. What are your opinion and advices about this? I mean, the increased amount of information in one session, and the use of computers.

Hi, Let me introduce myself first. I’m Mandira and I live in HK. I hv a 15mnth old son who is slightly delayed in his development due to his prematurity, I’d like to know if this programme will benefit him in the same way as other kids or I need to do something extra. Secondly, how can I get to hear The DD talk? I’d be glad if Trinity papa could ask this question for me. Thanx. :slight_smile:

Hi mandira, GD program is especially for children with mental slowness, actually for those with half a brain … no i am serious the original program develop my GD was for such children, and the understanding was if it works wonders for those kids what about normal kids…?? and the rest is history … I am sure DD would be happy to talk to you about your case too… but then again i also do expect alot more parents to be there with their qns …

Since your living in HK you should come down to central library to listen to DD, you can get the tickets at causewaybay plaza 2 … hmmm maybe KL can post the poster here …although i got the original news from somewhere else …

I too would love to know he feels about computer bits… thanks!

Would love to hear DD talk in Hong Kong. I attended the Institutes in Philadelphia last year, but DD was away travelling at the time. When and where is the talk, how much and where can I get tickets?
Many thanks

I would also love to know whether doing bits on the computer has any affect either positive or negative on learning material.

Also, how have the Institutes utilized computers if they have at all?

Do you still have that e-mail saved?

I would love to see the questions/replies.

Just wondering…

Pls refer to the below post by kind courtesy of KL,!/msg23033/#msg23033

maybe see you there too??

Going on the sat one 11th April …

Please do tell us what he thinks about computer bits. Though I am positive he approves, since all the bits I have from their Institute are CD’s,
I personally did not like them very much. My kids like them, but they prefer LR. The spelling in Spanish is often wrong, not to mention the pronunciation (with a strong English accent)… besides their price… 1 CD with 10 presentations $30

Too bad that I don’t live in Hong Kong! :wink:

If it’s not too late - is it possible to ask Douglas Doman if he could be more specific in how to teach 4 year olds to read please? There isn’t much in the How to Teach Your Baby to Read book on it.

Thanks! mtb999

Hi Mtb999, its abit too late to teach 4yr olds using flash cards … they would not sit still for long … and thinks its silly … too slow and not interactive enough for them …

From what i research for 4 yr old you have to go straight into phonic, a b and cs… lots of story books and hopefully something draws his attention be it about cars or comic heros … and you just have to buy alot of it and read with him and hopefully he gains that interest in wanting to read it himself … i mean if he loves superman or barbies then he would automaticaly want to know more … as such it would be a matter of building his interest in subject …

of course you may think barbies and superman ?? …well if he likes thomas teh train then that is a good area to start, you can tell him more about trains, visit train stations, buy books on trains and engineering stuff and hope he keeps that interest to progress from there …

The talk is coming sat … so lets finalize the qns …

  1. Why do my child point to both cards is “which is” sessions. (by Mio)

  2. Do all child develop the same regardless of ability? (by Nikolett)

  3. To let or not to let child say the word out during flashing, slowing down the flashing process? (by MIP1999)
    I taught that’s the idea, to teach them the words? You have succesfull attend it right? So next step is memory linking…

  4. Will flashing at a very young age cause short-sightedness and how to prevent it? (by Frukc)

  5. DD’s view on using PC based flashing programs which are more flashy, more informative, and more words. It’s pros and cons and if they use PC. (by Frukc)(also by JCS)(also by purple fungi)(also by mmetlich)

  6. Benefits of GD program on slightly delayed kids. (by mandira) Actually in GD’s book it is very very helpful and was originally designed for babies who are very delayed.

  7. How to teach a 4 yr old to read. (by mtb999)

Thats all?

I’ll try my best to ask all the qns in number of people request so qn 5 rank quite high. But maybe KL would be there too.

Thank-you trinity papa for helping the whole forum out. Hopefully a lot of questions will be answered by the talk!! I look forward to hearing what DD says (very interested in 5,4,7 and 6)!!