lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
I think its interesting that my two year old son can joke around with double meanings of words… here are a couple that I found funny and was truely amazed that at 2 kids can do that… not sure if these are braggingrights or just cute and wanted to share
– Standing on top of a hay stack in the fall when he turned 2— hey mom-- Hay! Hey dad!! HAY!! and he would laugh
---- At lunch with a friend who has a child the same age hes talking to the 2 year old girl— I (points to himself then his eye) Eye SEEE you — Pointing to his eye again and laughing… actually we all were laughing at this one
------ He overheard me saying on the phone “they are my kids…” L pipes up that evening— Mom- Those are MY kids— Your KIDDING me— You are MY parents–
L lol lol lol
Ahhh corky, geeky things.
I LOVE my kids.