Dots method: what's the right order

I have a question for parents teaching their kids with dot cards (according to Doman).
Do I get it right that starting with the 3rd day I should show mixed numbers. I mean two sets would be 2,3,5,8,10 and 1,4,6,7,9, and not 1,2,3,4,5 and 6,7,8,9,10. And all following days the order of numbers should be mixed as well. Is that right?
It seems to me that skipping numbers makes the whole process rather hard for kids…

Is there anyone doing Doman math who can answer this question?

I suggest you read the Doman book “How to teach your baby math” and Doman Mom’s explanation in the Thread below.

Good luck Anahitas. I hope your child likes the dots.


The method Glenn Doman says is like below:

Step 1. Quantity recognition
step 2. equations.
step 3. problem solving
step 4. numeral recognition
step 5. equation with numerals.

Step 1. Avoid all noise while showing cards. take 1,2,3,4,5 dot cards. Flash each of the cards quickly that you show a card in less than a second.

Faster the better.

After showing 5 cards, hug and kiss the child.

Show 3 times a day.

Second day add 6,7,8,9,10 dot cards. This is another set. Now you have 2 sets. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6,7,8,9,10. Show each set 3 times a day. Shuffle each set before every session.

After every session tell the child, he/she is bright and good and hug the child.

Third day, shuffle sets. example, 6,2,8,4,9 and 1,3,5,10,7. and show each set 3 times.

For first 5 days only these 2 sets.

6th day you can add new cards and put away old cards. that is you can remove 2 lowest numbers from ten cards, then add 2 new cards (11, 12).

Every day you put away 2 lower number cards.
So you keep doing this process of retiring old cards and adding new cards, till you reach 20number dot cards. After this point you can start equations. And simultaneously show the child dot cards till 100 dots.

For retiring old cards, and adding new cards, you can even retire 3 or 4 depending on your child.

Step2. Equations.

on back of each card, write down equations. examples are at back of dot card 5 - addition, substraction, division, multiplication.


8-3=5 etc.



Now, after you showed the child first 20 dot cards, you can start equations. First additions, then substraction, then multiplication, then division.

Example for addition: how to show for a simple equation 3+2=5

Show the child dotcard 3, say 3/then say plus/then show 2, say 2/then say equals

Then show 5 and say 5.

First 2 weeks: additions. 3 equations/show the set 3 times a day.

Now, you will show him 2 set dot cards, then one set equations - each 3 times a day. That is 9 sessions.

Second 2 weeks: substraction. You can stop addition now, and start substraction. Same as addition. 9 sessions a day including dot card set sesssions.

Third two weeks: Then you can start multiplication sessions 2 weeks… show 2 dots say 2, then say multiplied by, show 3 dots say 3, then say equals, then show 6 dots say 6.

fourth 2 weeks: Then division two weeks. in similar fashion as above. ten divided by two equals five etc.,

Problem Solving: Your child will start seeing more dot cards and knows equations by now. You can ask which is two plus three and show him 5 and 10 dots, and ask him to choose.

Then you can progress in similar fashion to equations like:


so, 3 equations in one session 3 times a day, plus 2 sets of dot cards shown 3 times each set, = 3 times each = 9 sessions.

Each sessions seperated by 15 minutes minimum.

Hi mira,

tq for your post.

when we introduce additional. do we need to show the symbol?

example *** + ** = 5 , do we need to show the symbol of + and = ?



Hi mira,

tq for your reply…

oh my pity him…hope u get ur keyboard fixed soon.

take care

have a pleasant day