Don't think LR LM are working - help!

I have boy/girl twins that I started on Little reader in English twice daily when they were 4 months. At 5 months I added Little Reader Chinese twice daily and at 6 months I started Little Math once daily. I’ve been consistent and initially the babies loved it but now they aren’t enjoying it very much. It’s been part of our daily routine and we do it when they are happy, alert and focused. They are now a little over 8 months old and showing NO signs of any “reading” recognition. As they aren’t as interested and it’s harder to get them to pay attention I am starting to get discouraged. I had also bought Little Musician but I’m not sure if I should even bother with it. I would really like to hear from other parents who got this far and whether/when they started seeing results. I know every child is different but it is a big commitment and I’m wondering how others are doing and how much longer I should continue or if I should try again when they are older.

Keep up the good work. You are doing the right thing. I guess most of us have been through this, but one day, TADA! Our little ones showed they actually can read.

Never lose hope :slight_smile:

Don’t give up! Every child has their own pace and learn differently. I would try adding hooked on phonics to their daily routine. My eldest son started with the Glenn Doman method and YBCR and I noticed he lost interest in it for a bit then would become interested in it again. Then we bought hooked on phonics to help with phonics portion along with Little Reader and now he is decoding the words on Little Reader! Sometimes sight reading doesn’t work alone with some children and other children can just get it without the help of extra phonics. They all have different ways of learning. Definitely add some more phonics in and you will see a difference. If they are young, all you have to do is play the DVDs through out the day and they will be able to grasp it. Do not stop the sight reading! The extra phonics will help them get interested in it again. :smiley:

I thought I noticed something around the 9 month mark, but it wasn’t until 11 month when my little boy really started to show he knew the words. As you said, every child is different and the first time you do it, you’re really going by blind faith that it works, but it does. Keep going!

My little man is almost three and is a great reader and just loves maths. I know its hard when others say their kids showed signs earlier but keep up the good work. I look forward to you seeing some results and telling us all about it.

I think when the results show up, which they will, you will be really glad you started so early. I think the more common regret is not doing more early on. I don’t think either of my kids would have watched it even from the beginning if I didn’t show it to them while they were eating and strapped in high chairs.

The actual reading part was definitely helped along by preschool prep materials, (just buy everything they have), and leapfrog videos. The Ladybird Keywords books are the first books my son read, so they were good too, even though I hate how many times sweets are mentioned in them.

You should absolutely do Little Musician. It takes so little time. I always did little reader, then little musician, then let little musician go right to youtube afterward, unstrap the boys when they were done eating and let them roam around listening to the youtube selections that LMu makes that relate to the lesson.