dont know what to do? want give natural birth

doctor asked me to get admit tomorrow.but still i didn’t feel any pain or contractions. baby movement and heart beat is even good. even yesterday i went doctor, doctor said everything is good but ask me to admit tomorrow then if their is no pain or contraction they will induce. so i don’t know what to do. i want to give natural child birth.


Why dont you ask for a fetal assessment? This why if everything is good with baby and s/he is not to big maybe you can try and let nature take it’s course. It won’t do you any good if you avoid induction and baby gets too big for you to deliver and you need a c section. This way you can make an informed decision and hopefully your doctor will support you.
Good luck labour vibes

Hi, I have similar experience - I was supposed to check in on Wednesday and scheduled C-section for Thursday but I really wanted to give a birth naturally so I search for tips. I have posted this in my thread that my baby was born (naturally) so may be it can help you…

Since my first delivery was a C-section in the USA because of a risk of complication regarding supposedly big baby (4,6 kg), I was at a risk of having a C-section again. But I really wanted to go natural way and I convinced my care provider to try to wait and give a birth naturally. The baby was not supposed to be that big one week before the due date and it was head down so I was allowed to wait if nature would help me and I would go to labor on my own. Medical induction was not a possibility. So I started to search about natural ways how to induce labor at home. And I found great ideas that I want to share with you - it may help you as it helped me - and because of that I went to labor and gave a birth one day before scheduled C-section more than 1 week after my due date. I was so grateful and I still am!!! Natural delivery was so great and enriched experience!

So here are some tips of natural ways how to induce labor at home:
First of all, let me say something at the beginning. If your body is ready to go into labor, these methods may be helpful in getting it started. If not, take the hint! Your body and baby know best when they are ready. Natural methods carry far fewer risks than medical induction methods, which are more invasive and have serious possible side effects. Be sure to check with your care provider before trying any induction method.

First and Most Important-Relax!
Labor will not begin if you’re tense, worried or trying hard to start labor. Try a warm (not hot) bath in candlelight. Get a professional massage with the only goal being relaxation. You could also try visualization or meditation.
• Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths-in through your nose and out through your mouth.
• Get in touch with your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to your face.
• Imagine a flower opening slowly as you breathe in and out.
• Imagine what your baby looks like and imagine her being born, gently and peacefully.
Not only is this technique relaxing, but it uses the mind/body connection. A visual of being open and the baby being born might be the natural way to induce labor that you need.

Talk to Your Baby - As silly as it might feel, talk to your baby and make sure she feels welcome. Tell her about her room, about her grandparents, about your hopes and dreams for her. If nothing else, it creates some wonderful memories and gives you a chance to bond with your baby while you are trying out natural ways to induce labor.

Sex! - Sex is the most well-known trick to begin labor. Semen has natural prostaglandins–a hormone involved in the start of labor. If you use this technique, don’t get up right away and elevate your hips to help the semen stay on the cervix. This will help to thin and dilate it.

Nipple Stimulation - Nipple stimulation releases hormone called natural Oxytocin. In order to release Oxytocin by nipple stimulation, massage your nipples by rolling them between your thumbs and forefingers for 2 minutes. Then rest for 3 minutes. Repeat rolling and resting for 20 minutes. This usually gets the labor contractions to start. Remember that you should use nipple stimulation to induce your labor only if your cervix has already effacated.

Physical Activity - Whatever requires you to walk, bend, squat, be on all fours and stand… Certain positions and changing them do play a role in helping the baby to get into an optimal birthing position. Especially squatting, in addition to helping your baby to descent into the birth canal, opens up the pelvic area, and stretches your muscles on the pelvic area and inner thighs, and relaxes your lower back.

Raspberry Leaf Tea - It is important to know that the consumption of red raspberry leaf tea to induce labor does not lead to labor pains. That is it doesn’t induce labor, it merely helps to tone the muscles of the uterus. It is known to reduce the pain associated with childbirth but it has no effect to reduce the pain caused due to the dilation of the pelvic muscles. Many women consume raspberry leaf tea in the form of ice cubes during the delivery to help ease the pain and improve the contractions. Women also increase the dosage of raspberry leaf tea to induce labor once they are past their due day…

Acupressure Points to Induce Labor - Acupressure has been proven to be an effective way to induce labor. Acupressure can be used to induce labor even before the cervix has not dilated due to the fact that acupressure helps cervix to dilate.
Acupressure means applying pressure on specific spots on your body with fingertips. These acupressure points inducing labor can be found on shoulders, hands, lower legs and ankles. You could find an acupressure specialist to apply acupressure to induce labor.
On the other hand, because acupressure techniques are simple, you or your partner could stimulate these acupressure points to induce labor your self at home. Treat the points known to stimulate labor by pressing them and massaging them with small circular motion for 1-5 minutes few times a day. I will come back with more details later. It really helped me!!! 

Other methods: There are some other methods you can be recommended to do but I did not try them myself so I do not want to talk about them.

Good LUCK!!!

thanks waterdreamer and pupisek for your good advice
when i did my last scan it shows baby is 3388g. that is 14th Nov.


Good luck - hope baby decides to come soon. In the end you need to ge your doctor to check for you and then tell you the risks involved - and he musttell you BOTH risks (risk of induction and risk of laving it - very often they just push what they think is best and both have some risks. Usually inductions are done around 41 weeks pregnancy because they are worried that the baby will get too big but more importantly that the placenta may get too old and not supply oxygen to the baby as well as it should. Waiting for natural labour could mean you wait too long although the risks of C-section ar muc lower if you go into labour by yourself as there is little chanc of failure to progress.

Your baby will be here before you know it - I hope you get the birth you hope for.

she got a beautiful baby boy but she have to go for c section

Hello there,

Congratulations rizoo…

@ rizoo, congratulations, didn’t know that you were pregnant before… Wish to see you soon!!!

hope to see you soon amath, sorry i dont tell you, i was not very well in my first trimister

shouldn’t talk about birth complications in front of pregnant woman , but cannot without telling you my experience . baby might come on his own tomorrow or after tomorrow . have a scan if everything is ok you should wait . i cannot understand why doctors like to play God .
my first was born in hospital induced and brain injured . muy second and third were born at home naturally at their own time and in second delivery doctor wanted me to go to hospital to induce me , i refused and waited for baby , and now i have beautiful4.4 yeaars old tina . with third one i was told baby ready to born full term in september , my initial scan said baby is due end of october , my counting gave another different date so who you believe . i trusted my intstint . baby was delivered at home in a birthing pool , delivery took only 4 hours , baby was born 4.6 kgs .
thank god i didn’t know the weight of the baby , if i knew i might have freaked out and let doctor convince me to have hosspital birth or c-section . Matthew is very healhy 2 years old with absolutely no problems thank god .
i cannot help but hitting myself on the head and sink in a sad depression for a while after baby is born thinking how would my first one be if i knew than what i know now about giving birth .

my three bibles that helped me get ready :

of course i love pupisek recommendations , they are very valuable . regarding nipple stimulation , i think it helped me that i was nursing still tina all through pregnancy , and she was actually on the breast when i felt my baag of water popped and my water started leaking .
books : natural childbirth the bradley way
hypnobirthing book and cd the mongan method
Active birth by janet balaskas .
people and docotors thought what happened with my first labour will make me scared and labelled me high risk pregnancy . i gave birth to my second and third on my few days after my 40th birthday and at 42 , for doctors I am an old mama high risk , i should have been induced , c-section bla bla bla …
and you know what i cannot come with term that i won’t hold a newborn skin against my chest hug him smell him and watch him grow . but hihihihi i bet this would freak them out having another one at 44 . my doctor even told me please viviane don’t tempt your luck , you were lucky the last two time , it doesn’t mean the third one would be the same .
doctors do not want to admit that a woman is capable of giving birth as natural procedure and that birht is not a medical procedure .
i am not suggesting you all go mad( this is what my surrounding say ) and give birth alone , where i live home birth is not very common and for my history couldn’t find a midwife who would accept to be with me and not freaking out after seeing my beautiful isa , that is why i did it alone . but because of me my scottish friend choose to look harder and found a brithing center who believe in gentle birth and gave birth to her daughter at 42 in birthing pool and it was a wonderful experience . even if you have to change your doctor , i think it is important to find somebody who believes in gentle birth not intervention . it is your right to give birth how you are supposed to .
good luck

I also actually don’t know why the doctors label me high risk pregnant…

Only thing that i was told was that i was a person of Rhesus blood type negative (B -ve) which is the problem… Although my sugar level and the BP is with in the range…

Is this a very big issue that I’m having this type of blood?