Don't know what can I do

I know many full time working moms manage to let their babies follow the flash card, LR and LM. But for me, I really don’t know how.

My old one is 37-month and my younger one is almost 14-month.

I have started flash card for my old one when she was 5 or 6 month and I can see that she knows few words after months! I did not really insist on showing her because when she got older, she just ran away when I was flashing! It’s getting harder and harder for her to sit still for just a second! And for math, I think I did up to 30 and she just showed no interests at all! So when she was 18 month, I started introducing YBCR, Tweedlewink and she seems ok with it! And later on I add ST and BST. And now, she knows quite a few words and she will read it out when she sees those words! I think she learnt most from ST. Now I guess it’s too late for her to read LR or LM, right? Plus, I just don’t know what’s the best time to show her! She now goes to preschool in the morning and then stay at school for after school day care. Since I am working full time, I go pick her up after my work and when we get home, it’s about 6pm! And we usually play for a while then dinner, then signing time if permitted, then story time and bedtime. Just hard to find time to show LR or LM. And the thing is I am wondering if it’s just too late for her to pick up again!! She is going to Montessori preschool.

For my younger one, I basically have no time to show her in the morning as I am rushing to take care of the older one then go to work. When I get home, as I said, it’s about 6pm. My in-law is kind enough to feed her meal first so when we have dinner, she will have some rice and then milk. Usually she will go to bed at around 730pm. I was thinking, maybe I can show her LR before bedtime but by that time, she is already very tired. Is it still good time to show? I did start flash card when she was 2 month old and math spot too! She showed interests but since the old one always came in and distracted, I stopped doing it for a while and then completely stopped! :frowning:

Sometimes I feel like I should have done more but on the other hand, I am very tired already!! Just want to give up but at the same time, I want to give them more opportunity. And sometimes, I ask myself, what’s the purpose of doing all these to my babies… i meant, do I want them to be genius? Well, I don’t think that’s what I want… but I know we shouldn’t feel pressure by doing all these, right? Really don’t know how and what else I can do…

Hi Tina,

I know how you feel! Its so hard ESPECIALLY when you work full time. I think as parents we really want the best for our children and that is giving them the best start possible I think over having a genius.

I would say to you the best thing you can do is priortize what you would like to teach. If maths to you is more important than reading than teach maths rather than trying to focus on many subjects and stressing yourself out than once you feel that your kiddies have a grasp on maths move on to the next subject insted of putting yourself under alll this pressure to teach everything at once.

I also do a lot of my teaching when my little one is in the bath, she is a captive audience and when she i in her high chair having a meal but in saying that I only have the one kiddie at this point.

Would your inlaws be happy to show one of the kids LR or LM for you so you can focus on the other one?

Your still doing a great job so pat yourself on the back and maybe a little plan for the kiddies will help you teach them!

We use mealtimes as our prime times to teach–maybe that’s an idea.

The only other suggestion I have is that you try to enlist the help of another family member.

I am a working mommy too and i only have a14 month old but this is how i do it.

Get the monki see monki do dvd’s…because of the slide show…u can let them see the slide show and that’s words…i have all three and my son loves it. I play the intro music to get his attention then go to the slide show and he is glued. I show him all three slide shows.

I was thinking of getting tweedlewink math lessons for him. That’s how we will do math
And we did math songs addition and multiplication and we read…its been working…some children just need multimedia to make it exciting.

So now you are thinking how do u bond…well…


Thanks for all your supports!

I guess I just have to slow down and do it one at a time! I can’t ask my in-law for helps because they know neither english nor any computer knowledge! :expressionless:

I will try to do it before the little one goes to bed. Hopefully it’s still a good time to show her!!

Thanks all

Carcarte, thanks for the nice words about Monki See. I have seen several of your posts regarding our products and I appreciate the good words.


You should try to do one thing at a time and then build from there. Since you are too busy in the morning to show anything to your younger child why don’t you put on YBCR or you can get the Monki See DVDs and use those. If you can have the baby watch one of the videos while you get the older child ready you are doing something beneficial. Once you are consistently doing that then think about adding something, either LR or flash cards. When I began teaching my baby I started with videos, then about a months later I added flash cards 2 or 3 times a day at diaper changes. Then I added my homemade reading books. If I tried to start everything all at once it would have been overwhelming but since I was able to build it it we established a really strong (and easy to follow) reading program.

Hats off to you as a working mom who is teaching her children. That is very commendable.