Doman, YBCR, dot cards, LR, flashcards... help!

Okay, so I had NO idea there was so much that you can do with your child at such a young age and these forums have opened my eyes to a whole new world. It’s sad how the mainstream of our culture lulls people like myself into a complacency of just letting everyone else and the “system” raise and educate our kids. Of course, other people and the system are probably great tools when used well, but I wish I’d heard about all the wonderful and fun things that you can do with your child earlier on! Wow! I’ve only spent a couple of days reading posts but I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information. I am slowly piecing things together while reading, but thought that someone might be able to help get me started with the basics of teaching my daughter to read, as well as math, etc. I apologize if this all sounds like a bunch of rambling. :ohmy:

Anyway, on to my point. I need a starting point. Somewhere to begin. I need some Teaching Reading 101. :yes: And there very well could be just that sitting right in front of my eyes at this website. Of course there is Little Reader. I don’t have the full license yet, but I did use the Beta software for a bit… but I still had trouble organizing everything. So I have some questions…

Specifically, what IS the Doman method? Does it apply to reading? Math? Or what?

What are the methods, theories, or systems out there that people are using to help them teach their toddlers reading and other subjects so early on?

Thanks so much!

The Doman method is a way of teaching your child to read using rapidly shown cards in a large red font that gradually becomes smaller and black in color. In addition you gradually move up from words to couplets, phrases, sentences and then books. You can learn more at their website : and their store They sell books which teach you how to teach reading, math, encyclopedic knowledge, physical excellence and swimming. They also have videos on you tube at

The Doman program involves so many different facets: reading, encyclopedic knowledge (facts aka. “Bits”), math, physical excellence, music, and foreign languages.

Doman does say, though, that reading is one of the most important academic activities. And just think about it–if you can read a book, there are all sorts of things you can learn in so many different categories.

Most libraries have the book How to Teach Your Baby to Read by Glenn Doman. Check your public library. It’s a quick read, but also an informative read–it details the how as well as the why and the theory behind the method.

It’s difficult to describe the program in a short sentence because it all depends on the age and ability of your child. But the point is to help your child learn to recognize sight-words and later the child will learn “natural phonics.”

Have you ever heard a little child say “He drinked his milk?” or something like that? We never tell two-year-olds “if you’re talking in past tense, add -ed” – they just learn that on their own from hearing people talk. Likewise, if you show a child lots of words, they’ll just learn on their own the sounds the letters make (even if they don’t know the letter names). That’s Doman’s theory behind his method.

Start with something simple–just start with Your Baby Can Read while you read all the information on Doman. At least you can feel good about doing something and start a program right away with minimal preparation. Then, phase in reading words, then math, then EC, then whatever else you want.

Good luck!!

Thank you for the links and the book name. It feels good to have a place to start. But I feel like I’m so far behind! Like I should have known about all of this stuff sooner. :blush: I know it’s not a big deal and that my daughter is still very young, but I feel as though there is so much I could have already done for her, had I been aware of it. I guess that just means there’s no time to lose and I should just get things rolling, eh? I’ll have to keep in mind not to rush anything, to take it easy, and let my dd help guide the way. I don’t want to overwhelm or push her, know what I mean? :slight_smile: