Doman vs Shichida - who wins and why?

I am struggling to find any information on Shichida’s educational methods for children in Australia. I’ve managed to order and read most of Doman’s books. I have read the posts on Shichida’s math programme, in particular the recent post on Shichida’s 65 day math programme.

What I’m confused about is - which one is educationally better for your child. Having a pre-printed schedule makes it much easier to teach (perhaps there is more info on the Doman videos/DVDs on how to teach math). There are equations supplied in the How to teach math book … so I guess it’s a matter of selecting equations for your educational program.

As eluded in my previous posts - I am interested in whether the methods work and what the long term results of mums & dads teaching their children. Yes I have read the amazing results from the school that is attached to the IHAP but realistically I’m not going to be able to educate my child the way they do and obviously can’t send her there either … I’m also wondering how working parents manage to do it all and what their results are (short and long term eg. when the child reaches elementary or high school).

Thanks! mtb999

Pros and cons …

GD -
Pros - Simple to follow instructions seems too good to be true … detail description in book … metjodology easy to understand

Cons - isn’t exactly right mind … it teachers the left brain really (since language is left) using right mind flashing method … it teachers the baby to recognize and hence read words, do maths and facts …

SM -
Pros - father of right mind education for babies and toddlers … once open the potential is limitless … can do and learn anything and everything very quickly … especially perfect pitch, speed reading, and instant maths … just to scratch the surface …

Cons - Can be quite secretive with trade secret, cannot or almost impossible to do it on your own, requires a special teacher, does not exactly teach reading nor ek … attempts to open right mind … but that is not guranteed … want to learn it … best have lots of cash …

Both GD and SM requires consistency … although both use FCs … their ultimate outcome or goal is totally different … except maybe for maths …

one very important thing about doing GD and SM … it really does need a pro parent …

If you mention educationally better … meaning acedermically … do GD.

Don’t belief totally in schools result nobody publishes failure rates … they only show off their stars … results should be seen in its whole totality … … there should be at least 70-90% success rates for students in the IAHP program … to be classified as success … unfortunately talents are … a subjective thing and each child has differing talents …

For some results … of people doing it at home try this link … i posted some results … and so did some kind parents … but am also looking for more info on how such babies have become when they are adults … do they still retain their talents and how much effort is put into it throuh out their life …

oh yeah there is one more thing about SM method … if you have read the book … then i won’t go into detail how i do it or what i did … it maybe uncomfortable … since its quite unorthodox … but its quite normal to me …

My little girl hurt herself and she was grabbing her arm … i suspected something wrong and i did a physical diagonosis … there was no physical injury, so i ask her to lift her arm, stretch etc … and clap … she did it but was in pain and cried more… she may have sprain her fingers or wrist or arm … and she was feeling giddy and sickly crying for over 2 hours and holding her arm … we thought of bringing her to hospital for an x-ray … cat scan … MRI …

However as i had some first aid training … with knowledge in accupoints and SM method … i was able to help her recover … and after 20-30 mins of sleep she was out and running again … and playing thumb lifting immediately … ( thumb lifting - as in she grab my thumb with her hands while i raise her off the floor like a monkey bar ). so at 10 am she started crying … by 12.30pm she was running all over … as if the injury never happened… that is the real power of right mind … and GD just scratches it … but in the wrong hands and unlearned … it can be dangerous …

Thank’s Trinity Papa!
So - which one is better for teaching maths? Should I follow the Shichida template of teaching math in 65 days? I haven’t been able to find any books on Shichida learning methods in Aus.