Doman reading sets question

The first 15 words are the babies favorite words written in 5" red small letters.

The next set is 20 body words written in 4" red letters.

The third set are the child’s environment (chair…) written in 2" letters…

Once I’m doing 5 sets of 5 and a set has been used 5 times I retire one word a day.

so my questions are, as I replace a word from the first group, do I replace it with a 5" word? Does the second group eventually quite being body parts, but continue to be 4" lettering? Does it matter which group I add new words like “friend” to? When do I switch to all smaller (2") words? It seems that once smaller words are introducted the larger size could be retired, but the book I bought “How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intellegence” didn’t specifically say that.

Thank you for your help!
I am so blessed to learn from this forum!

I don’t think you need to worry so much, cos there are no hard and fast rules to any of this. Use what the Doman books say as a guideline, but don’t feel you have to slavishly stick rigidly to them.

Do whatever makes most sense to you. You cannot go wrong if you and your child are having fun!

i am trying to get the moms in my school to use domans cards. all of them havent heard of it before.
i hope this will work on their kids. i give them 10 words to take home in sets of 5. so two sets. they do this 3 times a day but i only see them the next week so for the 7 days they do the same words. im not sure if this will bore them but i dont know how to make this work.
any suggestions

The one thing I picked up when reading Doman’s books was this:

He wrote that when he started studying what people had done to teach babies to read before he did his method he found that lots of people had succeeded - in fact some of his studies went back to the beginning of the century. So babies have been able to read since long before the 1960s. What he found was this:

No matter what method the people used they succeeded. This means that it doesn’t matter whether you use 5" or 4" words, it doesn’t matter if they are red, black, green or blue, it doesn’t matter if they are nonsense words or words like “revolutionise”, as long as you present the printed word to them and tell them (or show them - he taught deaf children too) what it says they will learn to read. (That said he presents his method as the way he found worked best and there are certain advantages to using larger font and gradually decreasing it)

Relax about the rules. Anything is better than nothing. Doman also says that no matter how disorganised you are about teaching reading, a little is better than none and your child will learn something.

Nonetheless if your child is coping with 2" words then I’d keep them all at 2" until you can make it even smaller.

Fatima, once the mothers get started and realise it works, they should be able to make their own words - you could print a possible schedule for them to follow if they are interested and explain how to make their own words so they can switch them faster, but two sets for a week should be fine for most of them - how old are the children?

Dear All,

Below is a link to a thread that I found helpful, and perhaps you will also. It discusses how to retire and introduce new words in the sets:

  • Ayesha