Doman method

Hi all

I thank you in advance for your feedback on the following:

Over 40 years ago, my mother used the Doman method to teach my brother to read. He’s on the autistic spectrum and had a brain injury at birth. He reads fluently and with comprehension.

Now, I have a 7-month-old daughter. For four weeks, we’ve been using the Doman method. I’ve adapted it to suit our situation. This is how we do it:

5 words a day, 3x a day
Each word kept in the collection of 5 words for 5 days, then retired i.e. in total, each word is shown 15 times
New words introduced as words are retired

So far, I’ve made about 40 words and I make more every couple of days.

What I want to know is: How long do I continue the single word programme with my daughter, before moving on to couplets? How many single words should she know before we move along the reading pathway?

Also, she has heaps of playtime on the floor. I spend a lot of time on the floor with her, chatting, repeating her vocalisations back to her, etc. I have a small whiteboard and from time to time, I write words in big, red letters on the board. For example, if she’s playing with something red, I write “red” and flash the board at her. This is separate from the word card process described above. I flash the whiteboard words a couple of times over the play period.

Do you think this is potentially confusing / interfering with the cards?

I’m trying to keep this process structured and at the same time low-key and fun i.e. no pressure.

Thank you for your help.


Hi Gemma,

I love your process. I’ve been doing 3 sets (in between your 1 and Doman’s 5), and have actually also been doing a little bit of whiteboard as you describe! I write song lyrics on a huge whiteboard and point as I sing them sometimes. But I like your play-integrated whiteboard use better, and will look to try that more.

I think that doing fewer word sets is probably just fine, Zipf’s law works so much in your favor!

I can’t see why isolated single-word flashes would interfere with sessions. If you’ve “extracurricularly” flashed a word a lot, maybe you could retire it after 4 or 3 days instead of 5?

Doman says to start couplets after 50 words. We’re at word #103 and haven’t gotten around to couplets yet… but I also haven’t made card number #104 yet so maybe we’ll start very soon if I get a round tuit. :wink:


Hi Steven

Thank you for your reply.

I like your idea of writing song lyrics on a whiteboard. I’ll do that when my daughter is a bit older and we’re at the sentences stage of the Doman approach.

Thanks for your reassurance about “extracurricular” word flashes.

Hmmm, I didn’t realise that Doman said to start couplets after 50 words. In all respect to him, that seems too soon to me, particularly for a baby under one. I might aim for 100 (similar to where you’re at) or even 150 / 200.

Cheers again!

Gemma :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s a little cryptic, but on p139 of HTTYBTR, (at the beginning of “The Third Step” of the eponymous HTTYBTR chapter) there’s the following quote:

“Even with a basic vocabulary of fifty to seventy-five words the possible combinations are many…”

But for better or for worse, if there’s anything to be said about the IAHP books, I think I would say that they avoid giving direct age-pegged curricular advice… like the plague! Sometimes it gets a little frustrating and leads to a less-than-organized flow of the text, but I guess there is some diplomatic value to this aspect of their approach given the diversity of kids at any particular age…


Simplest way to be complete are you are following the Doman method and therefore will benefit of their enormous potential is :

  1. Attend the seminar : no amount of books or DVDs or theory will ever ignite you as much as you being able to see with your own eyes kids outperforming any and every standard you may have; when u attend the conferences at the institute they bring kinds demonstrate the training and there is no faking it… These babies and younger kids don’t know how to lie they are just simply genius and moms are there to share all the info. All of it!!

if u need assistance with hotels there is a company that will set you up in a family for the week free of charge - I used this service and my accommodations were better than any of the 4 star hotels in the area!! Highly recommended - the info is in the welcome package at institute.

If given geography or money constrains you can not attend this week training (around $1200 )

  1. Second best to attending buy the book!! Very straight forward info; clear step by step directions. This info is too important to rely and second hand info - if u ask me I will tell you what I remember if the program and what worked for me but not necessary all the details that I followed at the time - in other words I may misinformed you in good faith. Best to learn from the source. You can get the same books used for a fraction in Amazon or but if u can pls buy them at the and support the organization.

Hope this helps. Sorry typing from my phone while in transit. :slight_smile:

Happy Sunday and remember what ever you do will be best than nothing but also remember where there is a will there is a way!!!
