Doman Kids- What happens when they grown up? Chat with an original Doman Mom

I recently had the privilege of speaking with Patty, a mother who used Doman techniques with her daughter 20-30 years ago. Patty’s daughter was among the first generation of “Doman Babies” at the IAHP. They lived in Philadelphia and Patty taught classes at the Institutes for several years. Her daughter was featured on a television show demonstrating encyclopedic knowledge at 2.5 years old. Patty also keeps in contact with the other Doman Parents she grew close to during the early years of her daughter’s childhood.

Patty’s passion for Early Learning never faded and she now has her own endeavors as the creator of PlayWisely classes in Texas and also is part of the joint venture production of Sparkabilities DVD’s (which the digital version of PlayWisely classes). Originally, I contacted her about her classes but our conversation led to Doman and her experiences. I am thrilled to meet someone who can answer questions about her Doman experience and I convinced her to register here. :slight_smile: So, if you wanted an opportunity to speak with a Doman parent who’s child is grown and what the end result of all the early stimulation was, here is your opportunity!

I let her know that I would make an introductory thread so any interested parents could chat with her. So ask away!


I want to know how your children feel about their early learning.

And did your kids go to public, private, or home school? If not at home, did special accomadations need to be made?

Thanks teachingMyToddlers.

Dear Patty,

I would like to know how’s your daugther’s performance in this 20 yrs? Any great influence on her achievements, behaviour etc.? Do you mind to share your experience and approaches used. Any blog/information we can refer to? Thanks!!

I would like to know how your daughter faired socially with other children her own age at the time? Did she like to play with other kids or did she prefer older children?

Will she use the Doman method with her own children?

Hello Patty,

I would love to know how much time you spent putting together materials for your daughter and how you went about doing it. For example reading, math, encyclopedic knowledge. What materials did you use to put them all together?

Dear Patty,

Its great to have u in this forum as a senior personal in the field of early learning. I would like to know about how much of EK did ur baby recollect once they grew up? It would also be great to know if the Doman method help in accelerated learning once they went to school? Did they also develop photographic memory as an effect of Doman method?Also is there any suggestions that you would give us on providing early learning opportunities for babies.

Thanks in advance for taking time to reply to our queries.

Dear Patty,

I would like to know about your experiences with the Doman Dot math program?


I’m looking forward to hearing your responses to the questions already listed! I just thought I’d tell you that I LOVE Sparkabilities…and more so, my son LOVES IT! I only wish you had a PlayWisely program here in Manitoba!

Forum Members,
Here’s the link to their channel if any of you haven’t visited it yet!

Wow, I had not seen these clips before and I’m floored! They look exactly like the toddler videos I’ve produced in my head. :wink: My kids (2 and 4) will flip, this is so their kind of thing right now!

I don’t think I have any questions to add, but I’m looking forward to reading the answers too. My mom taught me how to read at 18mos using the Doman method and then stopped after being pressured by co-workers (she was an elementary school administrator), so I’m curious to see how someone my age who “went all the way” turned out! :smiley:

Dear Patty! Thank you for visiting us!

Are Doman children happier or unhappier than others? At age 20, 30, 40.

Are there some most common professions for Doman children?

Are Doman children business people? Or they are scientists?

It is often said about clever children - he is clever but lazy. Is it about Doman children also?

How are Doman children doing in common schools? I mean what happens if they are not home schooled.

What are the main risks to avoid while parenting Doman children?

Hello Patty, how great we can chat with you :yes:
I love Play Wisely but I have noticed you show numbers as well. Can numbers be shown to babies and toddlers?
Can be the PW method used in nursery school or is it only a parent- child thing same like doman?
We all love teaching our children and spending quality time with them. Is all this early learning going to make their school life easier?
Many thanks and looking forward to all your answers.

Okay wow, what a fantastic response! Let’s give her a moment to catch up. I know she has a big project coming up and I am going to suggest she possibly answer one or two at a time for time management purposes if necessary. She’s a valuable resource worth waiting for! Then, maybe we can address a few more after she is able to respond to the current questions if she is up having her brain picked further. I just don’t want to scare her away. :blush: (I told her she would be popular around here, I’m not sure if believed me LOL…See Patty, we love you already by association alone! :wink: )

We patiently wait to meet you Patty…

Just wanted to update the group that she let me know she is traveling right now and is going to make a special effort to jump on here in the next week or two when she can. :slight_smile:

Awating patty


I finally made it here thanks to Tonya! I am happy to share my experiences as an early Doman Mom who participated in the program with my daughter Christy from 1981 to 1984! There is so much to share regarding my experiences. I was the Director of Gymnastics at the Institute during this time period. My daughter was 5 months old when I initially took the course. I was ‘all in’ from the start! As a former USA NCAA All-American gymnast from the University of Nebraska the idea of ‘training’ a child’s brain made sense to me and does to this day as the Founder of the PlayWisely program in Dallas, Texas and the Czech Republic.

The Institute created their innovative, groundbreaking program in the 1970’s with the available science at the time. Today there is an avalanche of data coming from the developmental sciences, neurosciences and psychophysics. I have spent my professional life gathering and sorting through this information to put meaning to what I experienced and witnessed in the developing brain. I also believe I have developed a second generation of material that addresses the new understanding of what ‘intelligence’ is now understood to be in the sciences - namely,
not IQ as we aquire a score on a test, but rather the neurosensory-cognitive-motor ability that renders a brain to collect data precisely, speed of information processing, brain region agility, quality of perception and efficiency of output.

My daughter is now 30 years old and has a 2 1/2 year old and 1 year old both doing the PlayWiselly system. Regarding Christy’s unique ability (and those of my doman parent friends) that seems most consistent is there quickness and agility of conscious awareness. I believe Christy ha

Hi Patty and welcome to this Forum!
We are so happy you are finally here and willing to share your experience and knowledge. :yes: .
I am from Czech republic and I know about Play Wisely here. I have tried to contact them (to take the Play Wisely instructor course) but was not very succesfull yet since I have not received any answer yet… :frowning: .
But I wonder - why have you decided to spread Play Wisely in Czech republic? BTW I am glad you did!!! lol Do you have any special connection with this country???
Anyway I am looking forward to reading more from you!!

Sorry - I wasn’t able to complete the previous post -

I believe Christy has a semi-photographic memory. She was always able to read information over once or twice and have a high quality of recall. Don’t let the fact that once the brain doesn’t learn that (flash card) way as efficiently as they get older - it is what the flash cards did accomplish during the brains early critical wiring period that mattered - and as it turns out it’s not about the encyclopedic knowledge per se - but rather the wiring that took place exercising the brains neural circuitry that has the lasting impact - and that is the most important thing.

One interesting thing about Christy was that she always tested at the highest level. She chose engineering in college over medicine because ‘numbers’ were easy to her and she appreciated the idea of correct answers. Although she was/is a good reader with excellent comprehension she doesn’t particularly like to read! So, engineering became her major! She was the only Division 1 full scholarship athlete (gymnast) that was in the most rigorous academic major at the University (engineering) simultaneously - and she graduated with honors - at times even making the presidents honor roll (4.0)!

She worked as an engineer for 4 years and now as a young mom, works for me while raising my beautiful grandbabies! My goal is to bring these early learning insights started by Doman to current scientific understanding regarding what the brain is actually doing and should be /can be doing during this most critical early intervention period.


I have an American friend who is a Montessori teacher there and they asked for me to come and start the program. We are planning a global expension so the Czech Republic proves to be a great opportunity for us! We now have 6 locations in the Czech Republic with 3 more ready to begin. Please send your inquiry to Klara at - your baby is so sweet!!

Coach Patty
Founder. PlayWisely

Patty, everything you wrote is soooooo interesting and I would love to take the course. The email address you have provided me with is the one I have already sent the email to… I will be patiently waiting fot the answer… I hope I get one soon… :slight_smile: