Doman inspired daycare - Have you found one?


I was just wondering if there were any Doman inspired daycares that anyone of you know about? I tried to search for it on google and didn’t come up with much. i have always wanted to start my own daycare and would really like to incorporate Domans ideas.

I think Doman would highly frown on there being a “Doman daycare” - he’s all about mom (or dad, I guess) staying home 100% of the time when kids are little.

I do doman programs with my daycare children, but I don’t advertise as a doman daycare. All the parents know what I do but I don’t think they know much about it. I agree it’s suppose to be a mother/father-child thing, but since my dayhome is suppose to be a home away from home I still do the programs

I agree, Doman is almost all about the parent/child relationship and that is the focus of his literature. I do Doman activities with my daycare children, but I don’t advertise it as such, although the parents know of the different activities we do. I just feel responsible since I am like a “second mother” to a lot of these children, or, like waterdreamer said, their home away from home.

The only daycare / childcare center I have heard much about doing Doman is this one in Pennsylvania:

I have also heard of KinderU, I believe in Hong Kong, and they apply a great deal of Doman programs with their children:

I’ve also seen quite a few Montessori preschools who use Doman-style activities and materials, such as this “Arise and Shine Montessori preschool” in MN.

Most of these I have found searching the web for other Doman-related things and come up upon these. It’s so true that Doman is about the PARENT and child and no teacher or daycare provider can replace that. However it would be nice if more childcare centers / home providers knew more about the amazing capabilities of children and how the brain grows, it would make the necessary evil of being away from home at least a little more beneficial to the child.

I recently read this legal notice in iahp site

I do not know if conducting such programs in a daycare is legal or not. I would like to know more about it.

Thanks a lot you guys! I agree about the parent/child relationship and parents doing the ground work, but in reality I find, many are not able to live such a lifestyle. For me, I find it to be such a wonderful and benefiting program, that why not benefit as many children’s lives as possible. The best way like wetdreamer described is home away from home. I remember how attached some of the children would get with me, as their caretaker, that when their parent would come to pick them up, they would not want to leave at times. So as a teacher and someone in charge of making impressions and influencing I find, it’s better to have something Doman in daycares than nothing at all.

DomanMom, thanks a lot for the links, really appreciate it! I was recently reading your previous post on the success of math with your son, didn’t know you run you own daycare, good for you. It’s really nice to get ideas and tips on what you all have done as parents and professional lives. Also, I am hoping to be next to you when it comes to my son succeeding in this journey, not that I have huge expectations, but want him to be as great as he can be.

Thank you all once again.

All I can say is I wish!!!

I would happily send my child to a doman inspired day care! I know what Doman says about mum and dad relationship and to be honest there really is nothing better! but I have had to return to work full time recently (finish soon) because of finacial reasons and if I could put my ,munchkin in a day care where they actually learn something useful and someone is there giving them the attention they need then im all for it.

After all it takes a village!

Lol I highly doubt they can charge me for doing flashcards with my daycare kids. I think the issue comes if start advertising as a Glenn Doman daycare. Or taking there course and claiming you are iahp trained

I HAVE read about Glenn Doman suing KinderU in Hong Kong for copyright infringement and breach of intellectual property. I think I read it last year in the South China Morning Post. I can’t remember if they were sued because they were advertising as a Doman daycare or copying Doman’s flashcards or showing Doman flashcards in a commercial setting (i.e. not for personal use).

Oh I bet! I wouldn’t go advertising. But I think I am safe as a home daycare with only 3 children other then my own. I would think twice if I was running a large daycare centre

I still am not getting the concept behind these legalities and illegalities. For example, even Tweedlewink conducts classes and sells DVDs based on Doman methodology. Is this not a copyright issue?

On a personal note regarding KinderU being sued, the Domans are not conducting affordable classes or day cares for laymen and they are not allowing others to do it. I wonder how awareness could be spread among people.

I second Arvi, I mean there are a quite a few of them out there that do the flashcard method, I know the ones on computer or tv can be somewhat diff, since they are not EXACTLY what Doman taught, but there are many companies who do actual physical ones, so how does the whole legal issue work?

Also, the video that DomanMom put, was also on the iahp website, and they were incorporated Doman’s teaching int heir classroom, how did that work out?

I think they requested permission from the iahp and they argreed.

I think the copyright infringement issues come from misuse of actual copyrighted phrases or material, for example the IAHP has copyrighted the phrases Glenn Doman, Gentle Revolution, Bits of Intelligence, etc. And also, their actual copyrighted products, i.e. the materials they sell (Bits of Intelligence, computer flash cards, reading words).

But the idea that the IAHP has the copyright ownership to everything we consider “the Doman programs” - teaching your child to read with whole words, crawling, using monkey bars, teaching your baby to swim, showing them flash cards of insects or composers or great paintings, teaching them actual numbers - I don’t think that is possible or the issue.

I don’t believe there is any way the IAHP would even begin to claim that they are the first ones to teach babies to read, or to swim, or a multitude of other things, and try and claim anyone who does or advertises those things as stealing intellectual property. It’s just not true that they were the first ones and there is no way they could claim something so broad and diverse, anyway.

I have heard of KinderU being sued. It was likely from an actual infringement stated above, such as advertising themselves as using “Glenn Doman” or “IAHP” programs or possibly using pictures of IAHP-created Bits of Intelligence in advertising. The ASPIRA school interested me, because the teachers took the course from the IAHP (which I believe used to be previously exclusive for parents, the IAHP used to not allow nannies or babysitters or other non-parents to take the course). They also used quite a bit of IAHP-created material in the video, although of course considering it was on the IAHP’s website I’m sure they gained permission before the creation of the video.

It is also possible that the Bits of Intelligence and their Picture-Dictionary CD-Roms have the same type of “private home use” limitations that we see on most DVDs, prohibiting public showing. Although I have never seen it stated, I can see how that would be an issue. But other forms of homemade flash cards they certainly can’t have anything to say about. They were by far the first people to create flash cards!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, DomanMom. It makes sense that they may not sue everyone for helping others to teach their babies.

I e-mailed them back in July about using their method in playschool and this is the answer I got from them:

This method is devised for use with a parent or loving relative and the child in a home environment. This way the material is shown many times during the normal day and becomes part of the daily routine. When our method fails to work well, in a classroom setting, the public thinks it is “the Doman Method” that does not work. I must advise that if you do read the books and wish to adapt the information for the classroom, that you do not say you are using our method, but your adaptation of the method.

Not that bad answer at all :yes:
Good luck in your day care and would love to know how things are going :slight_smile:

This is wonderful lelsk, thank you. It makes sense and understandable, it’s easy to tarnish someones name and reputation, and being that in a daycare setting, it does change what Doman would like (i.e. home setting).

Being that so many parents in the US are aware of the Doman method, I was really curious to find if there were any daycares using his method, the case now being not to use his name, im sure there are more than daycares out there that do use his ideas but don’t advertise as such.

Hi, has anyone started their doman style daycare? Please share.