Does your child calculate mentally?

If your baby calculate mentally, please tell me how old is your child?
When did you teach him / her math?
Which method did you use?
Do you think it is useful to teach math with this methods (right brain education)?
If we teach math with right brain education when child go to school and learn with left Brian education, does it make mistake for him / her?
I want to teach math with 63 days Shichida methods and I can’t understand how I teach math with this method. (I just read an Equation and show answer with dots) how can my child understand math? :confused: does he memorize these Equations?
Please help me with this problem.

Not sure if this applies but James does a little…

James is 2.5 and he does not know how to count. He can say the numbers, and he understands one on one correspondence. But if I lay down five things he can not count them out.

What he is able to do instead is subtitize. He recognises groups of numbers up to 5. And he can go up to 10 by grouping into 5 and whatever is left over. I understand that this is visual for him now but I think he is o ly steps away from mental math because if I give him a set of 5 and a set of 3 he knows before they are even joined that it is 8.

The methods James used above are rightstart math methods.

Thank for your help Korrale4kq.
do you mean this(
this method seems like as left brain education. isn’t it?

We are only on level A. But that is the program. And the program is quite left brain with manipulatives. But it starts out a little more right brained a little with the subtitizing. And to be honest that is what we have mainly focused on.

For a very recent discussion of RightStart Math, take a look at the thread called "pick just one program for math’…

Many people here love it, as do we, and yes, you will see the toddlers picking up elements of ‘mental math’…however, that means A LOT of things to different people…

DEAR Kerileanne99
thanks for your help.I saw this topic but they discussion about left brain education, I search for right brain and I want to know if my child can learn math with right brain shichida,doman …
In this forum most people use left brain education.I can understand from these that right brain method isn’t good for teaching math,is it true?

We wouldn’t say right brain education will not work for math. Many people have reported success with subitizing, WHEN they started young enough. Enough people have has success with flashing dot quantities for me to be convinced it works ( I am hard to convince, I require multiple proofs to believe :slight_smile: )
The point is more that math is MORE than just recognizing quantities. My kids can calculate mentally but not large amounts instantly like I think you meant by your question. There are children on this forum who do though! Many of them use a visual abacus in their head to make their calculations. This is a more long term solution than subitizing which is a skill that fades before school age. which is why I never really wanted to teach it. I haven’t yet been convinced the time spend flashing quantity cards has enough benefit…maybe I will change my mind when I see it in action on a 6 year old :slight_smile:
You can teach many math concepts using right brain flash cards, (other than and including) number quantities.
Shapes, time, weight and temperature conversions, times tables, addition facts, subtraction facts. However I don’t know how you could teach weight, measurement, space, temperature or patterns more efficiently than hands on action. That’s why we all love right start and Marshmellow math. At some point the kids need to make a connection beyond instant recognition to complete understanding. This can be don’t with dot/ quantity cards but only for number, not everything math encompases.
I do hope that helps…it’s a bit confusing. I would say go for it! Flsh those cards. Even if the results arnt spectacular you are helping create number sence and quantity sence. Oh and if they are spectacular PLEASE let me see it! :yes:

dear Mandabplus3 ,thanks for your help
I have the shichida 63 days math flashcards but for equations just read the equations and show the answer,it seems by the method , children just memorize some equations.I want to know if somebody teach math trough these methods and the child learn math. :confused: