Does your Baby bite nails?

There is one thing that disgust me is when I see my 1y 5m biting nails and I don´t know what I can do to cut this bad habit. Is there anyone here who has just passed by here and got to make him/her to stop? Need advice!!!

My son doesn’t bite his, but he picks at them. I think it’s my fault b/c I used to be very anal about keeping them cut and groomed. I hated him scratching himself. So now he picks at them and tells me when one is sharp or if he has picked his cuticle.

You poor thing! My daughter started to bite her nails at 2 years old. I tried everything to get her to stop. She is 10 now and she finally quit on her own. I did try the polish you can put on to discourage biting when she was very small. It worked for a period and she stopped, but she started again. Since your baby is fairly small maybe if you are aggressive with keeping the bad tasting polish on you can break the habit. It is so terrible to watch people bite their nails. It drove me crazy to see my daughter anxiously gnawing on her nails.

The other thing you can try is Sleep Talk. You would just talk to your baby shortly after you put them to sleep. Tell them you are so proud of them when they keep their hands away from their mouth or something like that. I was always too tired to do it consistently with my girl, but it is supposed to work.

Good luck! It is a hard habit to break.

I think is a stage where some kids get to and they sooner or later will forget about. My daughter is 25 months, she hasn’t done that yet, she always let me know when their nails are sharp and they need to be cut. She gets really curious about it, starts biting her nail until is cut, I saw her doing this maybe twice, that is why I always have to be sure her nails are in good condition.

I have hear a lot os other children biting her nails,some parents suggest to put some spicy or soap in their nails(which I think is mean) other will suggest to put salt or any yucky flavor to stop them…If my daughter will start doing that I wil try first to stop her saying , yucky nails try to get them out of your mouth! I will just be consistent. I know probably won’t work . and then I will probably put some limon juice in her finger( wrong idea, she loves lemon juice)maybe something else like vinegar…you know I don’t know, something like that…but I will probably just try to stop her myself talking to her. :wink:

E dont normally bit her nails but she loves to bit the skin near the nails.
i talk her smoothly about it and she may not repeat for 2 to 3 days and once the advice is forgotten she stars repeating.
if E’s daddy find that E is bitting on her finger he gets very angree and would stops her from doing and she will repeat it very soon.

its better to talk them and tell the negetive factors.

Well Folks, I tried to talk with her, show her nails, how beautiful they are!!! etc, it seems it is functioning, but if necessary I will put spicy or something similar for sure, so that, I prefer her passing by this than see her getting a viruses due the dirty practice. I am always washing her hands and maintaining her nails cut.

Thanks everybody for helping!