Does my baby get it?

Omg, I post a lot. Lol. That’s because I wanna make sure I’m doing this right. I have been doing the doman math method of dots with my 5mo old. She always looks away. I can get her to look at them for a second. By puttin it in front of her vision. Or shaking the paper. But she doesn’t seem intersted. Should I keep goin or wait til she is older?

As I recently commented on another thread, math is the most difficult subject to maintain a child’s attention.

I would put them away for a while and try again later. Children’s interests change over time, and many have found that even though they dislike something when they’re, say, 12 months, it’s a completely different story 6 months later.

A lot of kids don’t like math dots. Try reading instead and try math every once in a while to see if she is more interested.

Thanks, I’ll put the cards away for now

I stopped with my child for a week and show her again just 3 cards, after repeat thi sprocedure.

I used to sneak my math dot cards into the pile of Encyclopedic KNowledge cards. I would show about two bits and then one math card and so on. It was more successful this way because they really enjoyed the EK cards.

You can also make your dot cards much smaller, for the lesser quantities and mix them into your flash cards.

Yup. I have a different problem with my son. Initially he recognised the dots(almost 85- 90%) but he started speaking a lot now. Whenever a dot card is shown he shouts TWO or THREE. Whichever card i show he tells the same.As soon as he wakes up in the morning he sees the card pasted on the wall, and says two!! But its not exactly two. Though i enjoy what he does i feel difficult to teach him all other numbers!!! I show him LM ,he likes chines e numbers a lot and repeats it,but i dont knw chinese! :frowning:

pls help me out with this…
Thanks in advance

I think this is a stage. My daughter also fell in love with the words ‘two’ and ‘six’ at around that age, and whenever she sees more than one objects, she shouts ‘two’ and sometimes ‘six’ It’s their way of telling us they know it has to do with quantities, but they don’t necessarily want to count! She’s 20m and she’s constantly saying ‘two cars’ when we drive and she sees some, or ‘two this’ by pointing at several objects (which name she doesn’t know) etc etc… it will pass. we started additions on LM and she loves this.

At 5 mos my daughter refused to look at math dots. That was when I bought Little Math and she totally loved it. Now she’s 10 mos and has tired of LM as well, except when I do it in Chinese for some reason. She finds it fascinating and will sit still glued to the screen with a smile on her face. I guess it’s all about giving them variety.

I had the same problem with math dots when I started with my daughter at 6 months. I even tried turning off the lights and have her watch my laptop screen. That worked for a little while. I also tried showing it to her right in the morning or after naps or right before falling asleep. I notice even now if I show more than 1 set in 2-3 hours, she looks away so I show minimal. I tried the moving paper also and make fun noises. This also worked for a while. You can leave it for sometime a week but try not leaving it out for too long. I also sneak math along with other things she really likes. I sing the quantities to her really fast and she likes that as well.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

My baby love to watch Little Maths for the first few times, however, then, she refuse to do so and just ask me show her girls logo. Do you know why???

There are several reasons why your baby might not like the cards.

  1. Could just be an individual thing. I found my older boy didn’t like dot cards, but my baby loves them. To get my older interested in dot cards, I turn it into a game.

  2. Going too slowly. Babies learn fast. Are you showing the flashcards too slow? Repeating the same stuff too often? This is sometimes the reason why they get bored and look away.

  3. Too predictable. Are you showing the cards in sequence? Mix them up a bit.

  4. New concepts. By the time we got to 70-80 dots, my baby started to lose interest in the dot cards, too. However, I found that when I showed him equations, he would pay attention again.

  5. Other distractions. As your baby gets older, he/she notices more stuff around and it’s harder to get their attention. Make sure there’s nothing else around that could be stealing their attention. I find that I can’t do flashcards with my baby when my older son is around because my baby is always more interested in what his big brother is doing.

  6. Change perspective. Sometimes I find that if I sit my baby on my lap and show him the cards, he is more attentive than when I sit in front of him.

  7. Playful physical interactions. Sometimes I find that if my baby isn’t interested in flashcards, I play little games like peekaboo, tickle games, swinging and other physical stuff, etc. After that, he seems more attentive.

  8. Wrong timing. Is your baby tired, hungry, sick? Sometimes your baby’s just not in the mood. Sometimes we’re not in the mood to do certain things.

Don’t wait until your child is too old. I think I remember the Doman support staff telling me that dot cards no longer appropriate for kids past three years old. Also I remember reading in Doman’s Math book that you should hold off teaching numbers - as in the symbols, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 until you’ve taught your baby to recognise quantities. Children that can recognise numerals tend to tune out to red dot cards.

vanichezhiyan - my son went through a no. 7 phase. Everything to him was 7. He wanted 7 of everything - not 6, not 8, but 7. We would do math sums up to 7 and he’d stop. It’s just a phase. My son’s over the 7 phase now - I think it lasted a couple of months - so just wait it out.

Shen Li
I’m glad you joined this forum. I love your input.

It’s a pleasure to be able to help :slight_smile:

Great input, Shen-Li! You’ve got karma! :slight_smile:

Thanks, KL! :smiley: