Does flat head is a problem?


My baby head went flat from one of the side.
Does falttening head is a problem for the baby in future or is it just a cosmetic thing as looks wise.

Please share your views.


It really depends on how severe it is. Everyone has a lumpy bumpy skull because of positioning as children, or knocks to the head, and that sort of thing. So a small flat section wouldn’t really be noticeable.
But a large flat spot can put pressure on the brain, the sinuses, the ocular nerves, the inner ear, etc. It can be quite problematic. If it is severe you need to get special headgear for the baby that reshapes the skull.

I really don’t know, but I’m sure if you google it you’ll find lots of stories that will either encourage you or freak you out. I know that my son’s doctor always commented on my son’s head shape at every check-up. They must be checking for something so I’d recommend just going in to see your doctor and asking his/her advice.

In my next visit to doctor i will ask the doctor about the flat head…

I guess I need to clarify as to why my doctor recommended using jumpers and even a walker to keep our son’s head upright due to his flat spot (not severe but noticable). My son’s feet can’t touch the ground in the walker, I do not use it as a walker. My little guy was able to turn over from his tummy to his back at a very early age. So tummy time was useless unless I held him down the entire time (not). He hated tummy time to the point I was afraid he had tummy problems (not problem just a preference and a willful baby). He favored his right side and had a flat head on the right side. I believe in attachment parenting but cannot hold my son upright all day. Using the walker, rainforest jumper, einstein jumper, doorway jumper, and backpacks have resolved our flat spot problem for the most part and after one month my son started liking tummy time. I believe children are individuals and what works for one might not work for another. This is what worked for my son.

I found this on internet:

"Flathead syndrome or positional plagiocephaly occurs when a new born sleeps in the same position constantly. The skull of a newborn is soft and it subsequently becomes flat by lying in the same position.

My son when born had almost a conical head due to the pressure applied during delivery. Then we found that the baby is just sleeping on to the right side and the flat spot was appearing. First thing I did was to massage his head with palms in a circular motion with baby oil. I continued doing this until he was 6 months old.

Then I kept pillows underneath his soft bed so that he would sleep to his left side instead of lying in the same old position always.

Again some people advised me to make the baby sleep on a mat on the floor. I followed their advice and made the baby sleep on the mat. Then we showed him many colorful things in various directions so that he would make an effort to look sideways and slightly upwards in many directions. I used to make it a point to do this in the morning everyday until his head retained the normal shape. Even though many may not agree to this method, I would say that it really works if the method is followed within a few months after birth.

Within 3-4 months, I saw that the head of baby attained the normal shape. So this is my advice to all who is worrying about their child having flathead syndrome. Do not worry about the baby’s flat head as you can correct this problem at home using simple remedies."