Does anyone teach his child HUNGARIAN?


Is there anyone here teaching in hungarian? Unfortunately I didn’t find any hungarian downloadable files… :mellow:

I have bought the 12-month-curriculum and I see, it is a lot of work for translating every word, especially the sound. And I don’t like to hear my own voice either :blink:

So maybe somebody can help me?

Or maybe someone knows a good site, where I can download sounds, like voices saying … “dog” or “cat”, I don’t know, if such a site exists?

I am Hungarian and i am downloading the trial version now to see what the whole software is like and i was wondering if i can use it to teach reading Hungarian. Can you do that? I would want to teach my son English too but since his mother tongue will be Hungarian it would look a bit absurd that he learns reading English when he is 1 or 2 but learns reading Hungarian at school… So did you find a way to teach Hungarian with this software?
I know your original question was a bit different but i thought you could help me :slight_smile: By the way, cant you record yourself saying things in Hungarian?


Hi. I am Hungarian, and I have been teaching my daughter several languages for a few years, and I just started to teach my 3-months-old son, too. There are quite a lot of downloadable files in Hungarian on, also on You have to rgister to both places first, but they are both free.
If I can be of any help, don’t hesitate to contact me. You can check my own website for teaching materials:

Szia Lilla :slight_smile:

Well, neither of the sites seem to work for me… I dont know why my browser couldnt get them.
What languages are you teaching your daughter? And how? Both speaking and reading? Do you know all these languages or just something in them? What kind of progress is she making?
I’ll try to look at your page later.


I use Mozilla. I teach oral and written English and Italian (I speak good E and a little I). I teach Japanese and French with the help of powerpoints. My sisers have taught Grrman and Russian.
Are you on skype? You can find me there as ImreLilla, de csupa kisbetűvel!! We can chat there.

Hey, thanks for posting again. I could finally visit your site. I dont know why it didnt download the first time. Anyways, i’ll add you on skype. I have already started to speak to my 3 month-old in English and managed to convince my husband to speak to him in Russian - which is quite an achievement! I speak some spanish but i am not confident at all so if i do anything with that, it must be with the help of a software or some other useful aid. I have WOWBaby, so maybe that.
Expect my on skype then.

regarding my daughter’s knowledge: she understands perfectly in English, but does not speak it, bcause she can see no point in it. but whenever we meet our English friends, she can make herself understood.
With the other languages Iam not sure about her active knowledge. She still warches movies only in foreign languages, and she loves watching them. she must understand some if she wants to watch them, don’t you think?
We’ll talk more on skype.


En is magyar anyanyelvü vagyok ,viszont angol nyelven nem beszelek sajnos,ezert döntöttem ugy hogy magyarul irjak.A magyar nyelven letölthetö anyagok erdekelnenek engemet is.Van egy 9 honapos kislanyom akinek edesapja nemet anyanyelvü es en nagyon szertenem hogy a nemet nyelv mellett magyarul is megtanuljon.Minden jo tanacsert es ajanlatert elöre is köszönet

Neked is ajánlom az okosbaba oldalakat, meg a sajátomat is. downloadable files in Hungarian on, also on
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