does anyone make there infants cereal and veggies from stratch

Ok my son is 9 days away form turning 6months so I fed his some cereal two days ago at first it was clumpy oh let me back up im making homemade cereal from brown rice so the next day I took my time in making it and it turn out great great. I think that making his food is great but i have no clue of what im doing help me.

I don’t make the cereal from scratch, but I have made all her veggies and fruit purees. I have been gotten all the information from I like this website because it has charts about the food you should give the baby based on his/her age and different receipes for each product. Also they have information about storage, freezing and recommendations about different products. Foe example they suggest to get organic grapes and they explain why.

Hope this helps!

I have never made it from scratch either but I found this really great website that I wanted to sugges to all the parents and never got around to, so here goes FINALLY

So how do you do your cereal from broun rice? Just curious about your experiece. It is great idea!!!

I purée 1/4 cup of brown rice then u boil about 1cup of water slowly add the purée rice in and stir as u pour it in it will thicken up then u add your breast milk or formula. Know it child is not going to eat 1/4cup of rice so you have to play with the amounts. To good luck but check the website that mention in one of the replies

GREAT ideat, thank you, K2U! We still not doing solids probably for a few more months, but I am glad to get nice ideas, yes, I heard of that website, and will check it out! It is always great to exchange resources

I make all my babys food from scratch daily , he is 8 months old I dont give him any of the industrial baby food s out there cus it usually contains sugar and some other horrible things :slight_smile:

He eats all kinds of fruits, vegetables, herbs, chicken/mince meat, and green leafs. I intend to not introduce sugar and industrial items until he is 2 years old…it should be okay bcs he is the only child i got :slight_smile:

Hi brill family,
Bad news i have given up on the making food from scratch it just seem like its too much into it i felt bad bc when i gave him the cereal from the strore he did not like it at all. i just hope that my decision is ok i mean people have been using ceeal for years

I never made infant cereal, but I did make my own fruit and veggie purees… The thing that worked the best for me was to set aside one day and cook a whole bunch of veggies/fruits, and then i’d puree them in the blender, then pour them in ice cube trays, freeze them, and then when they were solid, I’d put them into freezer bags, with 2-3 cubes in each bag to make for one feeding (depending on how much your child eats or the age) I’d have a cube of squash, sweet potato, and plums, and when it came time for feeding, i’d either heat it up before each feeding, or i’d let it thaw in the fridge in a bowl at the beginning of each day so it would be ready to go for mealtime. I found these zip lock bags with an air compressor that I got from walmart for $6 dollars that would get the air out of the baggies. Then I’d wash the bags out and reuse them. It’s also fun to mix fruits like strawberry/bannana, peach/pear, etc. so they get some different tastes in. Sometimes I’d even mix a veggie my child didn’t like as much, with a fruit he loved just to get him to eat it. Now he eats everything!

Hope that makes sense! You can easily make a few weeks/month worth of food in one day and not have to spend nearly as much money as you do on Gerber food.

Good luck!

Sorry I also wanted to say that I personally have nothing against Gerber foods, I just wanted to save some money and found that making my own was the best way to do that… but don’t feel guilty about not making your own, mommy needs to be happy too and if you’re finding it difficult, then don’t do it. Your child will still thrive and grow and be healthy. I used both homemade and Gerber foods too since they are very convenient and my baby loved them!

I make all of my babies food from scratch and have done so for about three months now(My son is 8 months old). I started out giving him a mix of the two, according to when I was too lazy too cook and would just open a jar of baby food, but I stopped and made everything from scratch cause i had been giving him butternut puree but when i was eating real butternut and tried to give him some, he spat it out and refused to eat it!!

That showed me how the preservatives and flavourants they add make the food taste so different that babies don’t even want the real thing!

It makes sense now that kids hate vegetables even though they have been eating those store-bought purees for years- they probably don’t even know what the real vegetables taste like!

I understand that we all lead busy lives and that the convenience of store-bought does have its place, but if you can set aside one hour a WEEK (yes, just once a week), you can make a pound or more of vegetables or fruit by steaming/boiling/microwaving them and mashing them up or pureeing them and freezing them off.

It’s not that difficult and the feeling of accomplishement is irreplacable.

I understand nomzinto i am a stay at home mom so i have no excuse but i dont know where to start i keep reading all this information and it all say different things i read the website wholesome baby foods then i saw another homemade food website they said use organic and so im just all confused if i can just find a textbook then maybe i can start again but i need to get it together i should have got all my info together before he turned 6mos

I think it’s important to follow your instincts as a mom, just give him/her natural foods, without anything added to them.
Start at your green grocer and just buy sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, apples, pears, avocoados, poatoes, beans and any other fruit or vegetables you eat in your own cooking. Steam, Boil or Microwave them until soft then puree or mash to your desired consistency.

You don’t need a recipie to just steam food!

Just make sure the food is well cooked, wash them before cooking to remove anything unwanted and you’re good to go!

I think you can start looking at recipies when your child’s a bit older, but for now one fruit or vegetable at a time. It’s important to only introduce one new food per week and watch for any symptoms of allergies such as vomiting, rashes, drastic changes in bowel movements and general upset in the baby.

I can relate to the taste concept. I just recently got a juicer, and have been making myself juice. The difference between the juice that I’m making from scratch and the juice in the store with supposedly 100% juice or no sugar added is insane! There is no comparison and you can just tell that the real thing is better. I plan to make my own cereal, and I will post on here when I start giving my baby solids. Hopefully not for a while yet!!!

hi i like to suggest you that you should feed your baby with fresh food . in i ndia what we do is we grind rice and pulses( as available ) together. and when the baby needs food , we take the above stuff add finely chopped vegitables, salt for taste, little sugar, and water, .then cook it well this will be very nutitious