Does anyone make and use their own baby products?

I make and use my own baby products, and laundry soap for my kids. Does anyone else? Is anyone interested in finding out how that you can make your own baby wipes, diaper cream, and laundry needs?

Hi Mother of faith,
Yes I do my baby’s soap (which is used by all of us as well) & a safe laundry detergent. I actually posted the recipe on my blog yesterday, here are the ingredients & instructions, would love to read your recipe and learn how to do more products!

" - Flake soap (such as Lux), safe for baby (or a very cheap version, like a home brand. I did my laundry for a whole year with 4 regular-size blocks of Coles cheap soap…)

  • Bicarbonate soda, or Baking Soda (I’ve read that baking soda was the best option, but can’t see a big difference to be honest)
  • Borax. I did not know what it was before I looked it up on the internet! and it took me ages to find it at the supermarket (as no one else knew what it was :slight_smile: I can’t figure out exactly whether it can be harmful or not for baby so I use small amounts.

Optional, but recommended:
-White vinegar
-Essential oils

Instructions are easy:

Find the biggest pot you have in your kitchen. Fill it with a little water, and start shaving little pieces of soap while you bring the water to the boil. I usually use about a third of a bar of soap. Let the soap dissolve in the pot, and turn the heat down.
Then add half a cup of bicarb soda and 1/4 cup of borax. I’m usually flexible with those measures. Depending on what’s left in the cupboard, I’ll add more.
Mix it well and add more water until your pot is 3/4 full. It will solidify in a few hours and you will probably need to ‘break’ the detergent down and add a little more water. I love having a sticky paste instead of a watery solution…
You can add a little white vinegar and oils. Tea Tree or Lavender are my favorite.[/i]

you use this recipe for washing your laundry and for bathing? Do you use it as shampoo?

I have never made my own products like this, but for the cost savings I would like to try somethings.

How do you make your own wipes?

Oups…Sorry I meant to say ‘I make baby soap’ and ‘this is the recipe for the laundry detergent’. A bit confusing sorry.

For the wipes, I have a little container of very smooth cotton square & I prepare a simple solution with a tiny bit of baby soap + boiled water. When I need to change my baby, I simply spray the cotton cloth and clean her.

But I still use regular wipes for poo-y nappies though, and for when I’m out of the house.

Ok, so the above recipe is for laundry?

What can I do to make soap and shampoo? Do you make those?

Here are some really great websites that have recipes.

thanks for the links, this is very interesting.

Essential oils are dangerous before using oils or even drinking herbal teas know what you are using. Even herbal teas can cause abortions and problems. Only use essential oils when you have studied herbs and the oils. Pregnant woman should never use essential oils even in shampoos or lotions that are over the counter. Also children under 12 should never use oils directly to their skin or any herbal teas. Essentail oils must be diluted by a carrier oil before use on the skin. Never ingest essential oils either for anyone. You can not buy essential oils at Michaels they are not essential oils they are fragrant oils there is a difference if they do I haven’t seen them. Essential oils are very expensive and dangerous. I teach herbs and oils at my local university and their uses. I have published several books and I am a natural health consultant so please know what i am saying is true. The laundry recipes and bath recipes for my children contain less than 1% of essential oils. If diluted in a carrier oil correctly some oils can be used but with caution like lavender. But pregnant or nursing woman should not use any oils or drink herbal teas. Even if you use essential oils in a massage for the skin the oils still get into your blood stream through hair folicils. Useing oils, aromatherapy should be used under a liscened thereapist pregnant or not. Plus if you are breastfeeding do not eat parsley it will dry up your milk. Know the herbs that you are using before using them on yourself or your children.
You can make your own oils that are not as dangerous as the pure essential oils to use in your recipes. For example soapwort is an herb that you boil for making soap, that’s where it gets its name.
Also someone mentioned using borax, it also is very dangerous to use and cause severe reactions to sensitive skin babies.
My recipes for soap and shampoo includes soapwort herb water, vegetable glycerin liquid, orange or citrus fruit water. Herb water is water from boiled herbs strained. Fruit water is a fresh fruit or dryed boiled in wter then strained, or you can use pure orange or lemon juice. For lotion I use jojoba oil, natural beeswax, and herb water, and sometimes 1 drop of homemade oil, and a vitamin E capsule the liquid only. Shelf life is around 2 weeks to 3 months. For baby butt cream, I use beeswax, jojoba oil, aloe fresh herb or dryed water, vitamin E liquid not much, and then i will add chamomile water or chamomile homemade oil 1 drop or lavender homemade oil. But these rescipes are just suggestions, remember know what you are using. For a butt spray rinse vegetable glycerin, distilled water, a little white vinegar. If my child has been sick i will add a little sage water tot he recipe to disinfect after diarrehea. For laundry soapwart herbs in a sachet, white vinegar and baking soda liquid mix, sometimes for whites I will add citrus water or citrus sachet directly into the wash. Some citrus like lemon and grapefruit have a bleaching affect, even strawberries. I NEVER use oils in laundry recipes. NEVER use oils on hard wood floors, or furniture, it will strip the varnish right off and stain clothes, and furniture. Remember fragrance oils and essential oil are not the same. Homemade oils and essential oils that you buy are not the same. There are many different types of oils. If you are interested in learning more about using herbs let me know and i will help you individual, for it can be time consuming. There is a lot to know to be safe using herbs. Remember not all products over the counter that says is ‘all natural’ may not be all natural. Just because it says all natural does not mean that is it safe to use. Certain prescription drugs and herbs can counteract each other and cause a serious reaction. For herbs have the same properties as prescription drugs and OTC. Like asprin the white willow tree the bark is asprin. So remember know what you are taking. I will be glad to send some samples of my book to anyone who request one for FREE.

There is also another forum posted about this see: Kitchen skin care recipes

hi there.

out of curiosity is it because of the monetory savings that you would make your own baby products or is it because the ready made variety isnt 100% safe or good for skin.
i would definitely like to try making my own stuff.

i make my own to safe money and time. Going to the store, the time it takes to load 2 children up and out of the car, etc. You can safely make your own products as long as you study up on what you are doing. Also it is good for the enviroment as well, no plastic containers being made, no harmful fumes, and the reason i make my own products is beacue i am so worried about my child getting into my cabinets and drinking harmful chemicals. I know of a child who did this and he has severe brain damage, it is a sad sight. My child has learned to open the cabinets with the locks on, so I continually worry about him getting any household stuff, even shampoos and lotions. Even though i place the items up high i still worry about me being careless with products after i use them. I can not use clorox due to being allergic so i can’t use that in laundry or cleaning the bathroom so i have to use something else, and so far i am allergic to a lot of cleaners and soaps. I will get my recipes that i know that works if you are interested? Even homemade products can be not safe for children and the elderly either verses premade products. I try to be safe in everyway with my products but you never know when a reaction can occur from your child, or your pet that is around the product.


i believe products with ammonia in them are harmful and when they mix with a bleach based product, fumes are given off.
i wouldnt mind those recipes.
i remember reading about something to make a cleaniing agent for windows but i just couldnt remember what it was so i just put water in a spray bottle coz my son wanted to clean the glass door with that rubber thing for windows.
would have been nice if it actually got cleaned.

lemon juice and white vinegar, with a newspaper, or a micro fiber cloth. Get a spray bottle say 8 oz, This is the paportion method, divide the spray bottle into 3 parts you are going to use 2 parts boiled water, allow to cool, pour into spray bottle, add 1 part white vinegar, then add 2 tbsp of lemon juice squeezed right from the lemon or orange or grapefruit juice. (6 oz of boilied water, 2 oz of white vinegar) Shake well allow to sit for 2 hours before use, shake well before using, and spray the window, wipe off with the newspaper or micro viber cloth. If you have like totally dirty windows with dust, and dirt, then add 1 tsp of baking soda to the boiling water, or you can add soapwort herb water to the mix as well for a soapy effect. the ratio would be the same replaceing the boiled water for the herbal water soapwort dried herb can be bought through a health food store or website. i like to use for my herbs. I plan on growing soapwort this year to have some when i need it.
You can adjust the recipe to clean stronger but if a child is going to help wash the windows, which is a great idea, then i would stick with a small amount of vinegar.

DO NOT USE the RED apple cidar vinegar for it can stain.

This is also a good recipe for cleaning the plastic window blinds.

Just a suggestion, it is up to you if you try it or not. I use it all the time.

I even added sage water to disinfect the bathroom toilets, mirrors, bathtubs, etc.

Remember when making products always add a label, that lists the ingredients and a warning label, that says do not eat or drink. And add the expiration date.

This recipe has a shelf life of about 2 weeks kept out of sunllight and heat.

For looks i even add lemon peel or orange peel or even lime to make it look pretty, but when doing so add 1/2 tsp of fruit fresh so make the recipe last longer and place in a cool area.

Regarding making hair products, my son loves to put bananas in his hair, i relaized that it makes the best gel for your hair. His hair stayed spiked for hours. But when i tried to wash it out, oh boy! So that got me thinking and researching and studying. I am in the process of making a hair gel using bananas, vegetable glycerin, and jojoba oil. When i make a recipe i study the reccipe and have people actual try it before i publish it so i will let you know how it goes. my hypothesis is that it will put nutrients back into dry damaged hair, and promte growth and regain shinniness to the hair, plus hold the hair for hours. We will see how the provings come out. I have alrady began the experiments for the provings.

Has anyone else thought of using or has used bananas for a product?

I’d like a copy of your book, sounds very interesting. I’ve been experimenting with essential oils for bath and evaporating and used some for my kids (mandarin, lavender for bath, rose to add to basic oil for massage and geranium for both for dry skin) You add only 1 dropper 50-100ml of base oil for babies and 4 to the babble bath for kids. :slight_smile:
Are teas like chamomile, mint, linden dangerous for kids? We use them a lot. :blush:

mint is not to be used before bed, and before physical activity, mint helps with asthma.

linden here is a website to use

chamomile in some children causes sneezing and rash.

these links will help you.

Herbs for children site

Here is some really good information on herbs, and essential oils for the household, children, and pets.

As soon as i figure out how to add the attachments to here i will send parts of my book to you all. I am in the process of updating my recipes to the new ones i have created and proved.

I also heard that you should not use any form of chamomile if you have plant allergies, such as hayfever.

That’s true, if you have allergies to flowers, hay, wheat, or grass then the flower herbs should be avoided. Children who have open mouth breathing or any other problems with breathing, allergies, asthma, or people with copd should not use or drink flowering teas. There are tons of warnings on specific herbs, you need to know what you are using or drinking.
If you are allergic to trees then certain herbs like the mimosa blooms, cherry blossoms, and other black teas should be avoided as well.

My sons both have eczema and chamomile is suppose to help but with my toddler he is allergic to chamomile and my infant isn’t. So i have to use calendula for my toddler and chamomile for my infant. Allergic reactions have a lot to do with the specific person. their health, weight, age, and physical health.

Also people who suffer from migraines or sinus problems should stay away from eucalyptus. There has been various reports that euc. has triggered severe migraines, and allergies.

thanks, mother of faith!
Also people who suffer from migraines or sinus problems should stay away from eucalyptus. There has been various reports that euc. has triggered severe migraines, and allergies.
that’s good to know, as I am very prone to migraines :ohmy: