Does anyone else's baby do this?

My dd enjoys word cards & LR. She enjoys letting me read these things to her. Reading books is a different story. She is very interested in books, however she insists on reading them herself. She insists on holding them herself, turning pages before I can read them to her, turning pages backwards etc. She seems to enjoy turning the pages more than even looking at the pictures. The only way I can read a book properly to her is to keep it out of her reach.

Any ideas or suggestions?

she is learning a new skill (turning the page)
which right now is more fun then the old skill reading or look at the pages
this happened with my daughter too
i just read as much as she would let me before she turned the page
after she got better at turning pages (two weeks if i remember right)
i would try to get her interested in the pictures again
after awhile turn pages wasn’t so cool anymore
now she won’t even turn the page unless i ask her to
she would rather me keep read :slight_smile:

My daughter does this too - it took a couple of months, but now I have taught her only to turn the page when I say “turn the page” I also allow her to play with books a lot so she can work the page turning out of her system during that time (and read books any which way she likes including upside down) and then when I am reading books to her we try to do it a little bit more controlled. When she was at her worst with the page turning I’d give her a book I knew off by heart and just continue saying the story to her while she turned pages to her hearts content. When she got to the end of the book, I’d just stop reciting the story no matter how far we had got.