Does anyone else feel this way?

LOVE IT!!! lol

Describes my WHOLE life perfectly

Amen, brother!

Loving it…lol

si! asi es :slight_smile: what a blessing.

I feel you.
Hopefully with the growing amount of parents now teaching children at an early age things will be different for their generation.

So true, so sad. It just reminds me of how much needs to be done before things really change.

I TOTALLY agree!

How very true!

A great vision,you felt and did.

Very True Poker Dad!! I have never left this forum. So full of wonderful people! It would be great if we could allmeet in person one day. MAybe a Brill Kids Convention???

:yes: :laugh:

Love your idea, Kimba15! :slight_smile:

that sounds great!

I’d love to have a BrillKids or baby reading convention. My guess is that the right organizer could make some money pursuing this…

Count me in as a potential organizer–not the ringleader, but I am being paid to do just this sort of thing.

Hey Dad Dude I would love to organise something like this to meet all the people on this forum with whom I have so much respect for. I have started a thread on it and I would love to pick your brain if that is okay? Or any one else’s


I just responded to your other post, Kimba. I would love to get together but I could not get to Australia. Obviously this would be harder for most people to get to other countries beside their own. :frowning: This forum spans the world which is amazing in itself.

love it too. :nowink: