Do you use sticker charts?

Do you use sticker charts? Sticker charts for us seem to work well, including reward sticker charts, reading record, attendance, and so on. How many of you actually use sticker charts to get your kids motivated and eager to learn and or recieve a reward for a goal accomplished. We even use a sticker chart for our schedule for the week that the children them selves actually places the sticker on what has been completed. Here are some resources;

I tried using sticker charts but I wasn’t good at it. I’m not organized and consistent enough to make and work on the same set of sticker goals. Maybe I was making goals that were too specific. Instead now I just put a sticker on my daughters papers just like in preschool. This way our work doesn’t have to fit into any predetermined lesson plan. Also if she demonstrates a commendable behavior then I put a sticker on her shirt. My son actually started this habit. He gives her stickers whenever she shares or does something nice for him. Sometimes he even makes badges and medals for her. Where do you buy your stickers? I like sticker packets with good variety. Lately they are hard to find. Sheets and packets all seem to follow very narrow themes.


I did use sticker charts and they were effective formy daughter provided she continued gettinga reward for everytime she did something if the reward stopped she stopped and was no longer motivated. There is an excellent study out called "Punished by rewards’ and I also just wrote a blog about how Montessori never used rewards in her schooling or grades. There is a whole chapter on rewards in the book Montessori the science behind the genius. An excellent read

Good information from all of you, something to think about, however, I do think that with special needs children sometimes rewards are the only way to get them motivated but to each their own way.
I too place stickers on my kids shirts for good behavior.
We buy our stickers at the Dollar General stores for 1.00 that has tons of stickers, and then we sometimes purchase from Oriental Trading Company. And ofcourse you can make your own with sticker paper for your printer from Walmart or whereever.
In some cases I have seen rewards get out of hand, my rewards are for example finish this problem and we can go swing, finish this worksheet so we can paint, etc. It isn’t so much rewarding with stickers or foods (which can be not so good at times I agree, and we don’t do foods, but some do) I prefer to give my children a choice when work is completed like listening to their fav song or reading their fav book or watching their fav tv show, etc.
I created by own so called reward chart that is used everyday, for example for the smaller ones a picture of todays assignments then 2 choices for rewards, spending time with a buddy, or say watching a 30 minute DVD, before the child begins their assigned work they choose a reward by placing a sticker on the space provided or when we use our dry erase schedules the child uses a bingo dopper to choose their choice.
We use sticker chart as for our reading racers, to see how many books have been read by each child once they pass a small quiz about each book it is called AR. the child that reached the goal each month gets to pick a party theme for the entire class or co-op once a month. it is a fun way to get social and to experience new cultures and foods.