Do you think YBCR dvd flashes too slow? Too boring?

I just got the YBCR dvds and the time between verbalization of the word and the flashing between word to picture seem a bit too slow for my baby. Not that she’s too smart for it but it just doesn’t keep her attention. Anyone else feel that way? I wish it would flash between word and picture about one second faster because my baby looks away constantly and it’s frustrating. Maybe once she learns a couple of words from the dvd she’ll be more interested?

But she really seem to like the individual sliding flash cards (slide the card open to show the photo). But I really have to slide it open fast or she’ll look away. But at least I can control the speed with those.

Also, how long did you watch the starter dvd before you added dvd #1 to the mix?

My grandson loves it and he is hard to keep his attention. He learned so much from the dvds.

The babies are not supposed to keep their eyes glued to it the whole time. They still pick up a lot even if they are not constantly watching. And from what I hear, every baby has a stage where they get bored with the DVDs ( I think around the 1st or second DVD since they have to watch them for 2 months straight). But you just keep playing them, and they start loving them again.
month 1- starter dvd
month 2 and 3- volume 1 (occasionally show the starter dvd)
month 4 and 5- volume 2 (occasionally show the other dvds)
month 6- volume 3 (occasionally show the other dvds)
month 7- review (occasionally show the other dvds)
after month 7 show any of the 5

The only way you are supposed to break this schedule is if the child recognizes almost all the words from a particular dvd.

I strongly recommend you stick with it. My son is able to read many words from YBCR; probably more than I realize b/c he doesn’t talk yet, so I don’t know how many he actually reads.

My son will watch the first segment of it and when the words start to repeat he will crawl to play with his toys, and will crawl back to watch when the parents segment apprear :slight_smile: I am at starter and only start for 3days. But I still play the video as I am sure they will absorb something.

I always kept my son in his swing or car seat to watch the videos. That way he couldn’t crawl away.

Thanks for the tips, will try to put him on rocker chair from tml onwards!

My grandson sits in front of tv in his high chair with a snack or lunch.

My son liked them but he didn’t want to watch them for the required amount of days in a row. We just rented them from the library and have moved on because he would refuse to watch them if I put them on. He is almost 2 and will just walk away if he doesn’t like something.

The YBCR is working as I only start showing my son the starter on 1st Mar, and he crawl away all the time till mommies suggested I put him on highchair/swing. I let him sit in my lap instead as he keeps on trying to move around in the rocker.
Now he can do smile, wave, do arms up/down w a bit of help fr me. Also can recognise nose, mouth … a few words of the body parts.

My son is 20 months old. We started using the YBCR Dvds in January. I’ve found that 1 month per video is about what works for us. By 1 month, he’s absolutely bored and asking to get down. He recognizes most of the words by then and we reinforce them through the flip books and slide cards.

Here’s a couple things I’m doing with him that might be helpful for you. #1 - I always put him in the same place (his chair) for the videos. This keeps him in one place and signifies our teaching is starting. #2 - I allow him to have a little snack or show the video while he’s eating breakfast. #3 - I’ve taped some of the game cards from the past DVDs to the wall. We play a game everyday of “let’s show Teddy the word XXX”. My son loves this because I move the words almost everyday and he gets to ‘teach’ his teddy bear, so it’s never like I’m testing him.

Regarding not looking at the video the entire time - I worried about the same thing. But my son still knows all the words. After watching the DVD for a month, they’ve looked away at different times so they’re getting all the information over time. Plus, if you continue supporting with the flip books and slide cards - they will pick it all up.

Best of luck to you!

Hi Susan,
How many times u let ur son watch e dvd per day?

He’s been watching once per day in the morning (our prime time). Since I’m doing Math as well, showing YBCR twice is a bit much for us to do consistently.

I used YBCR for my infant. He stayed in his bouncer seat and loved them. I never showed them for two months straight. We used them for one month each. My daughter, and several other people I know, feel that the change from word to image is too slow. My daughter does not care for these videos. If you check out and click next to the DVD, you can see a sample of how Monki See Monki Doo does it. It is much faster paced. It might appeal to babies that aren’t interested in YBCR.