Do you share your knowledge with other people??

I have recently realized that I m pretty stingy when it comes to sharing my knowledge with others about teaching my baby.
My baby is 11 months old and I ve started to see some result as far as what I have teach him so far. He is doing a few signs, recognized 2-3 words and has been taken a few steps by himself.
There are a few times when people saw him signing to me and they asked me, I always give them very minimal information. I don’t tell them much about what I have done with him and the books I have been reading, you can forget about me ever mention about this website … (Lol sorry admisstrators). Just wondering if anybody feel the same way as me?

yes… i have to say sometimes i do. not on this site, per se, b/c if i don’t want to share about a topic i just don’t respond. but, with people not familiar with RB education, doman, flashcards, shichida, etc. i never say anything!!! since what we do on this site is not really kosher, especially in the states, i just stay away from it. not worth the argument or hassle.
i’ve made the mistake and have shared a few times and i was either greeted with a horrified look, a scolding or a “what kind of mother are you” response. and that’s fine… i’ve learned my lesson. i don’t think you have to share everything… or anything! do what you feel good with!
the doc :clown:

It totally depends. Some of the people I’ve told act all I interested but een with seeing what my son has accomplished choose not to do anything. I feel people out and feed them alittle info and judge their reaction.

You know. .I have a 2 year old girl, she is very active and hard to “hide” her knowledge.Whenever we have visitors they can see she knows some stuff that some people may think she shouldn’t know for her young age! Close friends and people had called her several times"she is such a smart baby" which I don’t like it!I don’t think she is smart, I don’t think she is a genious, I don’t like she to hear that she is smart!! I just think she is been giving the opportunity to be tought at early age some "advance"stuff. Like reading,siging,math,geography,three language…bla bla bla… I do this because she seems enjoying it and she demands for it!

I don’t try to tell people too much about it, but my husband is a proud dady so he is the one who tells visitors all she can do(which I don’t like it) and people starts asking. But only my parents know about this deeply.
I don’t tell friends, close friends,or other relatives any about our program…material or tools I use. If they want me to give them some tips I will in general as a teacher.

Depends. By not sharing, you are seen selfish, pretending not to know anything and keeping knowledge to yourself. But of course there are valid reasons for that cos some people are very sceptical about right brain training or even early education for children. They feel children should have a stress less childhood.

Through sharing and exchanging your knowledge, you feel good about it. After all, you learned all the information from friends who had shared with you in the first place.

I would be more willing to share with people who are interested to know and with common topics.

since you have said it yourself, so i guess i not surprised for not seeing any uploaded files from you for sharing.

In my opinion, we should share our knowledge with person who willing to know. I always voice up the knowledge to share with others. Sometimes, the opinions may be not agreed by others, then it is up to them. Everyone have their own thinking, we unable to force them to agree with us. But, to whom is always pretend clever or smart, then I will stingy to share the knowledge.

I have tried to share on a number of occasions with my friends and family. My family is fascinated by it, and super eager to learn. Most of my friends and colleagues, however, say things like “you’re going to fry your child’s brain” or "you’re going to create a dysfunctional child.

So now I sometimes plant a seed and see if they are interested. If they are not, then I don’t say a word. If they are interested, I share as much as I can. I am SO passionate about this and I wish the world could see how well loved and balanced our children are and that they can reach their full potential!

I don’t meet a lot of people, but I talk about it to everyone I know. I feel the same way as Sarah. Ever since I found out about right brain education, I’ve gone nuts over it. I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about it and share as much as I know because I think it’s a great thing for every child. I love Pamela Hickein’s philosophy - changing the world, one heart at a time, and I do believe that right brain education can do this. I share because I want every child to have this wonderful opportunity - an opportunity I wish I had as a child. I think it’s a waste not to share - so I blog about it.

Although no one has said anything negative to me about it, I’m starting to get the sense that there are quite a number of skeptics out there - people who don’t want to know about it. Since I started writing about right brain on my blog, I’ve seen an increase in visitors to my blog, but my RSS subscribers have dropped so I guess some parents just aren’t interested. Knowing what I know about right brain, I can’t imagine any parent not wanting to know about it but there they are. That isn’t going to stop me talking about it. As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to put the information on the table and it’s up to them to decide whether they want to take it or leave it.

Hi Shen Li, what is RSS subscribers?

Karma to you, I love Pamela’s saying of changing the world one heart at a time too, thanks for sharing!

Well said Shen Li and Sarah!
I LOVE RB education and am crazy about it, but everyone I know with kids either think i’m crazy or has absolutely no interested. would rather go to the park, or another class… don’t quite understand why you wouldn’t want to give your kids the best education possible and bond at the same time. Maybe the whole thing (flashing etc.) is intimidating? These are the same people that think montessori is way to structured! yikes!! guess we all have to ignore the crowd and do what works for us!

I do agree with people calling your girl “smart”. it is irritating. Better to say “hard worker” or specifically praise them. for me, if someone says that i always say, “really? why do you say that?” then they explain what specifically they saw that made them say smart. then i always follow up with that specific praise to my daughter. i think she “hears” that specific praise from me before she registers the “smart” comment from strangers. At least that is my technique…

Karma to you both!! You guys are both awesome!!
the doc :clown:

Great response DrPrimo. I often find myself in the same situation and never know how to respond. Thanks for the great idea! :slight_smile:

If you don’t share any information with people about right brain education or early learning, it doesn’t mean your selfish or anything. I found about early education when my baby was 11 months. I couldn’t believe that babies could learn so much. I told my cousin about it and she was arguing with me that I shouldn’t teach him anything. I don’t sharing anything with her. I can’t stand the arguing. I am very careful how I talk to people about all this. I told my neighbor about YBR and also gave her a copy of the dvds. A month later she had only negative things to say about early learning. She is spending $300 dollars per moth tutoring her son because he is so behind. Right now I am trying to get my friend to do some early education and right brain stuff with her baby. The baby was born 3 months premature and she is not interesting. She said her husband is smart and his parents didn’t do any of these things with him, so why bother. some of my friends and family members believe am crazy and I know most of them would like to see me fail, so they can say I wasted money on the dvds, LR and LM. I am doing what I think is best my child. I don’t care about what people have to say. I have one friend that support me and that’s enough. She bought LR for my son without asking any questions. What more can I ask for.

I do agree that if this world is full of people knowing about early education, this would be a better place, and believe me, I would love to see that; but its hard when you encountered mostly negative experience whenever you do try to share.

I want to make it clear that, this forum is different from the everyday people I encountered. First of all, we are all on the same page about early education, I do plan to share/ upload files when I make some. I already have some ideas of some flash pointer files that I m going to make. My baby is only 11 months old (today)…for the past 11 months I can’t seem to find anytime to do anything besides look after my baby. I have very limited time to surf web and /or write posts.

We are all here to “share” whether knowledge or just some thoughts, please don’t assume or attack.


Well I respect your point of view…but It doesn’t mean I agree with you. I don’t consider myself “selfish” . Maybe I just didn’t explain myself clearly, I have had people asking about how did I do? even some of my best friends who have kids so I explained to them about our tools and work, but at the end the only thing they said is: It sounds to expensive? why will I spent all the money in dvds or computer softwares? that’s crazy!! or maybe something like" your daughter is going to be hyperactive for so much information? I can tell she is already too active! also some parents will said to me " can you do that with my kids too" I can going on and on…Also what I mean saying I don’t like to share with other people my daughter’s knowledge is because I don’t like to expose her to people categorized like"smart" “inteligent” or any other comment like that.

Conclusion, my time is very valuable and the most work and the less talk I do for my daughter will be better.

Well that is why we are all here right?
By the way, I feel being a mother makes be responsable for my child’s education that is why I search myself for clever information to accomplish our goals I don’t expect anybody(a friend,the neighbor or maybe my sister)to tell me what should I do or how should I do. I belive if you want it GO AND GET IT!! I don’t have a single friend, relative or neighboor who showed my about this forum OR ANY OTHER TOOL WE USE, we had to searched ourselfs for that!
So I guess we all have different opions and we can’t “judge” people for what they don’t do, is maybe because they consider they have good reasons for not sharing some info.
And I honestly I wish I could be wrong.

MySunshine and Drprimo
I totally understand your feeling and have been most of the time in the same place. I think not sharing has nothing to do with being ‘selfish’. The issue is that the reaction of people when you mention early education is often negative. As I am passionate about these topics I too would like to share with everyone and at first I did but not one of the people i refered to is interested and think I am giving to much knowledge to my grandson and i should spend time with physical activities (which i leave to his dad). I realice that it is better not to say anything.

I found it is much better to share with people in this forum that have same interests than to share with people around you, even relatives. I was told by a preskool teacher that it was not recommended to talk in english to 3 years old that do not speak clearly their mothers language (spanish).

When I have mentioned early education to some folk, they really think I am absolutely off my rocker!! I am sneered at and sometimes excluded from groups because of it. Same with ECing. (Elimination Communication). I haven’t met one family locally who know what I am talking about, or even want to hear.

I don’t talk about it anymore. I keep it all to myself because I don’t want to feel like I have to justify myself all the time. I just hope in years to come the effort will all be worth it and my son will be a little ahead of the game.

It feels right, it seems to be working, my son loves the pp presentations, so I will continue, I don’t see there is any harm in giving it a go.

I would absolutely love to spread the word about this site, but there is just no point. It leads to arguments, fights with family and bad feeling. Odd eh?

Exactly this is what people around me tell too… Initially i felt so bad,but now they are all wondering by watching my son and eager to know abt right brain education. Their ego still doesnt let them learn. I give their own time to understand… Afterall they are grown up that way. So nowadays i neither get angry nor am i put down. Time will definitely bring out a change. Im happy and surprised that,in India we have schools that follow GlennDoman, may be very few in number. But i can very well see people are changing their attitude in education nowadays…

As other have said in other words… you have to be very careful ‘sharing’ your knowledge with other parents. Their first instinct is defensiveness, like you’re judging them for not doing right by their babies. From there, it’s easy to become critical, and then judgemental… honestly, sharing your philosophy and practice is not the best way to ‘win friends and influence people’… just stand by your guns and do what is best for your babies. That’s my philosophy…