Do you recomend a pregnant woman reading to his child before being born?

If you recomend reading to the child before being born, what books do you recomend and at what stage of pregnancy should she start?

I read a story every night from a children’s book, just like I do now. I read Dr. Seuss and a bunch of other children’s stories I had. I don’t remember when they say a fetus’ hearing is developed, but that’s when I started reading to him.

I read to my children all the time, anything from my shopping list, to a pamphlet I received in the mail. I always found it relaxing and as though I was giving them the best start to life. If you would like to read to your unborn, read some nursery rhymes, and other stories you would like your child to be familiar with after your child is born, and find a book now, that you would like to read to your baby at bed time. I read ‘I’ll see you in the morning’ to my children every night when I found out I was pregnant, and read it every night to them now before bed. It is special and no matter what state of mind they are in come bed time, it always seems to calm them down and get them in the mind set for sleep.

The sooner you read to your child, the easier your child will learn to read and pick up an extensive vocabulary. My oldest had hearing difficulties are he was growing up, and I read to him all the time, we would read up to 15 books a day, and it certainly helped him out, if I’d not of spent so much time reading with him and talking to him, he would have been even further behind other children his age when he began school.

Another good thing about reading to your unborn, is that it helps you to relax even more, and the more relaxed you feel, the better it is for baby.

Thanks both of you for your comments. I read about this but was not sure if anyone really read to her baby and the results after birth.

From another thread i arrived to a page that also mention a couple reading to their baby while pregnant. They read about ‘values’ for children and i think it is also a good idea to read this type of books.
I will suggest this to my daughter and think that as said, it will help her relax and when reading after birth it will be a marvelouse feeling remembering when she was carrying her baby.

I read somewhere that a baby starts hearing around the 7th month of pregnancy … the babies are supposed to recognize the voices they heard in the womb when they are born … so they are definitely listening to mommy, daddy and anyone else around! :slight_smile: I would read in different languages too for baby to be familiar with as much sounds as possible :yes:

My husband and I both would read and sing to our son when he was in the womb. We read him a few of our favorite children’s stories and sang some children’s songs. This allowed him to become familiar with these things before birth. I also read whatever I was reading outloud to him. That way he would become familiar with the pattern of language, such as the rise and fall of tones, etc. My husband would sing whatever he wanted to our son (he was particularly fond of Mr. Jones from Counting Crows, lol). I would always listen to music very loudly when at home and in the car, and boy, would I belt it out! I would try to expose him to as much language and music as possible. It doesn’t just have to be kid stuff. They just love your voice and hearing anything. It’s all about exposure. You can read poetry or novels or science Journals out loud… what ever makes you feel good, your baby will feel good, too.

I read to my first when in the womb - whatever I happened to be reading and also sang a lot - it was the songs I sang while she was in my womb that calmed her after she was born. This child is hearing whatever I happen to be reading to my 3 year old as I have less time to read adult books myself but still read a lot to my daughter.

I do not read specifically to the baby I’m pregnant with, but I have 5 other children and read to them daily, so the baby yet to be born is hearing tons. And we do start reading aloud to baby from day one in the hospital. :wink:

Definitely read to the baby! Great question. It might be something you could include the Daddy in? My husband read to our bub before he was born (haha, probably more than he does now… naughty Daddy!). We bought a book of nursery rhymes and the Peter Rabbit box set and read from these. But like Tobinsmum said, it really doesn’t matter [i]what[i] you are reading, just that you are reading!