Do you or your spouse think there's going to be a collapse soon?

You can reply in depth or with a general yes or no.
Thanks everyone!


A collapse of what? The economy? The earth?

I suppose she is talking about economy :slight_smile:

Well, the economy already did collapse, but some believe the earth is going to come to an end in 2012, hence my confusion

Hello Sarah108

Yes I imagined that your question was due to the Mayan prophecy, but I can affirm that in 2013 we’ll be here reading and posting at the forum :slight_smile:

Humanity has spent two thousand years telling that, and no prophecy has been fulfilled

Anyway I respect people who can believe that the world will end soon.

Autumn ,
Maybe you can clarify what you meant?

I do believe there will be something happening on dec 21, 2012. Not only the mayans predicted that exact same date. From what I have researched it seems that there will be a pole shift, causing a lot of natural disasters to occur. it is actually very interesting to read about. But I do not beleive it will be the end of the world. "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36) Everyone only has theories. No one sees the future! Lol

Even today the economy is still in a very bad shape. I think within the next 2 years there will be a huge crisis. Either the US-Dollar will be worthless or the EURO. :frowning: