I just found this series: “I Spy. A book of picture riddles” (Scholastic, by Walter Wick and e Jean Marzollo). What do you think about? We love them! I’m seraching for some idea how to make my own I Spy book…
I did this one:
Sometimes my son feels the need to bring out every single toy that he has and put them all on the floor - often each toy touches each toy on all four sides (except, of course, the outside ones). When he does this, I take adavantage and snap a picture. Then I take individual pictures of the different items and he has to search for these.
Thanks…it came to me the day he had all his farm animals out and everything had to have “hats”. I had to dig all through the kitchen for little plastic lids
it is great! I did some photos too but I’d like to work to make them more artistic
I was thinking that Flavio is the only one that has this need to put all his toys together or to leave his railway trucks as train has to go :yes: