Do you allow your kids to watch TV

trinity papa

karma to you for your well thought out post
you mentioned memory magic how do you like the program?
i have been thinking of buying it for a long time but wasn’t sure if it was worth it
what is your opinion of the program?


Hi tatianna …

thx for the karma … wish i know how to do the kara thing.

Memory magic is ok. Since i am doing alot of flashing already … the memory magic does help, it could be helpful. Other than the flashing, i printed out alot of the encyclopedia cards and read out to her. This is helpful too, save me alot of time gathering the info …

To gather 1000 cards and then having Boi is very very time consuming, with this i get say 360-380 cards … so i will use this for the time being. Will add the rest later as we go along and depending on what attracts her interest.

As for the dot thingy, probably 2 yrs old would find it interesting. and for follow the story memory thing … there are lots of words … and to understand the story you need to know the words, and i would say a 3-4 yr old would understand it better … to be able to do what is required of them in any case can be used for 4++ older children so overall i would say good to have but treat it as one of those game …

you can go to their web and download some files to see what pictures etc they have … i think someone put up the link here too

thank a lot for the info

and have you tried readeez?
my two year old loves the free clips on there site so much that i think i will buy the dvd
it only $16 and she is making a lot of progress in reading with it

Three years ago we got rid of our TV. So not only do the kids not watch TV but neither do we. It has been one of the best decisions we have made. Our oldest son was 2 1/2 at the time. Even though we controlled his watching, (or maybe because we did) he would fuss whenever we said no. Now that it is gone TV is no longer an option. George is 5 now and full of imagination and knows how to entertain himself. Once in a while for a treat we will watch a DVD on the computer. Our youngest son Josiah is 2 1/2 and has never watched TV. He really has no interest in it either when the TV is on at someone elses house. George on the other hand still loves TV and will be glued to it when we are at someones house with a TV on. I would guess that if he wasn’t exposed at an early age this would not be the case.

As for me, I don’t miss it at all. I wonder how I ever found time to watch it.

my daughter is 2 years old i let her watch telletubbies which i had record it b4.cuz most of kid shows have violence scenes . by theway there is a great channel for arabic songs (toyor al janah)

my 5year old is only allowed TV on weekends, and even then he’s only allowed disney channel - not all educational though.My 4month old watches signing time, but to be honest, I’m not strict on how long Ilet her watch it, usually when I’m busy doing something, I pop it in, but I don’t think she watches up more than 30minutes at once.I wouldn’t let her watch anything just for ‘entertainment’.

I would really like to know how long I should let her watch Tv even if it’s educational.

I allow my 12 month old daughter to watch dvd magiq once a day. It is a 30minute program which interacts with a doll. So the doll talks to the characters on tv which helps to involve my daughter as she looks between the doll and the tv. It is an educational program and it is the only thing that really interests my daughter. I only put the program on in the mornings when I need to get work done around the house.

Usually we just read books together as she cant get enough of them. I think I would read the same book over and over about 20 times a day. :slight_smile:

We allow our dd to watch way to much tv unfortunatly. I try to limit it to “signing time” but dh likes to put on cartoons for her. I have to admit I do it now too. It is something I want to get rid of in the next few days.

My son is 6 months now.We decided not to let him watch TV until 2yrs.After that let him watch under parents guidance for limited period.Cos moving objects on Tv will attract attention n decreases creativity.

We are using the tv as an educational tool. We let her watch BST once a day and YBCR DVD twice a day. If it was her choice she will probably watch tv all day long and she is only 5 month old!!! :nowink: She loves the tv, so we are very clear about not letting her watch anything besides the educational videos that we buy for her.

Catalina is 14 months old, she watches tv, 3 times a week for 20 minutes each day. She is interested in watching baby eistein, or a little bit of signing time!
But she loves the power points on the computer she will point the computer every morning!!!

I think every ones view on it is healthy…as much as possible we are going to
avoid TV at all times with an infant, toddler, child, etc. We have one TV
that we have been weaning ourselves off of slowly over time and it’s much
better to not watch it, we find, especially after a long day at work when
you just zone out. There will be a time where they’re going to watch TV
whether you like it or not; you can only live by example. A good friend of
mine grew up reading books with his sisters & parents every night after
dinner; there was no (or very, very little) TV. They weren’t considered
weird or castouts by their classmates because they didn’t watch TV; in these
times, there’s so much content on the internet/web sites, TV, DVDs, movies,
etc. that everyone can craft their own personal taste - so maybe that makes
it even less of a problem nowadays to some extent?? Wishful thinking?? :slight_smile:

I allowed my little boy to watch tv only on certain time… normally after his meal as what i promise him. It’s just about half an hour. I will choose the program for him or else i will let him watch the signing time. With guidance in choosing the program and limits the time i feel it may help the kid’s development… at least for my kid!! He try to communicate with me with signing because he got speech delay. For me, it seem really benefit when he watch the signing time.

I didn’t allow my child to watch any TV until he was 2, but as soon as he was old enough to crawl to the TV, he would turn it on by himself and even watch static. Then we went to China from the US when he was almost 3 and he got nonstop viewing for 9 hours of a 15 hour flight. He’s been tremendously addicted since!

Everything we have in the house could be classified as educational, which is what he prefers (Leapfrog, Preschool Prep Co, Schoolhouse Rock, Scholastic Video), but I will check out the Backyardigans from the library and Bear in the Big Blue House as treats. I actually think the Backyardigans is pretty educational, as the characters are polite, have a large vocabulary, and there are multiple musical and dancing styles done well.

I let him watch about an hour daily late in the afternoon. He definitely wants more, and asks for it throughout the day. I would say his attention span for other things is pretty low, although it’s hard to tell in this age group.

However, the DVDs teach him things so easily that he doesn’t want to learn from me, like phonics. I tell him that C can make more than one sound, and he yells, “NO! Only K-K-Kuh sound!” But if he sees it on a video, he will believe them. Sad when your child believes a TV more than the parent!

I let my son watch TV only if it’s YBCR or Baby Signing Time. That’s all. We don’t have cable anyway and we don’t like to watch TV that much so I think that helps too.

i JUST cut her baby eistein ,now she only is allow to watch YBCR…once a day!! the rest of the day the tv is OFF!!!

I don’t let my baby watch any tv until she was 18 month when I showed her the “tweedlewink” (well, I showed it on computer). And now she is 28-month and I let her watch YBCR, Learn Mandarin Chinese with the Wink to Learn Program for Children, Tweedlewink, and Signing time. I don’t let her watch all of them at once. Say, YBCR/Tweedlewink in the morning, mandarin after nap, and for sure signing time after dinner! I just introduced signing time recently (a week ago) and she loves it very much! And she already knows a few!! Other than these educational DVDs, she doesn’t watch any (maybe sometimes local news but very rare)!

I know she likes to watch if I let her watch as she always “peek” when the TV is on, but she knows she can’t watch; otherwise, she cannot watch her favorite - signing time!

Hi i am interested!

This is such an old post but I thought I’d share anyways…
I let my kids watch TV whenever they want to. It’s usually something educational like YBCR, YCCD, Signing Time, Preschool Prep, Rock N Learn, etc… They like Curious George on Roku (We only have a Roku. No TV channels) and Sid the Science Kid from the library. I’m thinking about buying the Sid the Science Kids dvds, they actually learn a lot from them. :slight_smile:
Also fitness and dance dvds and cooking shows.

The funny thing about it is I let them choose when and how much TV to watch and they usually aren’t interested unless they’re sick. They’d rather have me play with them or cook with me or help me clean. Even when they choose to watch it it’s normally just on in the background while they play. They pause when a scene they like comes up and then go back to whatever they were playing. I was the same way when I was little. I had a TV in my room but I could take it or leave it. Usually I’d leave it and go play outside. I had a friend come over who didn’t have a TV and when she saw my parents had theirs on she froze staring at it :mellow: and it was boring commercials. I was ready to go play but had to wait until she unstuck from the TV.

We also love Artzooka, Taste Buds, Animal exploration and Rescue heroes. They’re on Qubo one after the other but we can’t watch them anymore because the Sky Angel box we had is out of business and we can’t get a reception for the local channels. :frowning:


Our son now is 11 months and we decided as family not to have him watch tv until he is at least three. There is to much studies that said tv early on will lead to ADD. In the meantime, he loves looking at books, doman cards, and playing with toys. When he is 3, we will limit it to 30 min a day.
