Do Re Mi or C D E - Piano

Dear Parents,

I am planning to teach piano to my 2 year old son. I am basically from Indian background. We have our own solfege as “Sa Re Ga”… But i want to teach my son western music first. Shall i go with " Do Re mi" or " C D E"?. In middle east, for older kids they teach with " C D E" only.

My son has learned the note reading using LMs ( which is already following Do Re Mi)… So totally confused which one to follow. Kindly tell me your suggestions.

thanks a lot …

  • Tanvi.

Since your son already knows the DO RE MI, I think you should go with that.

I have children who learnt using one or the other and I can say without hesitation DO RE ME is MUCH better! Definitely teach in DO RE ME or even in SA RE GA. The Indian music system is beautiful.
Do re me allows children to easily link the sound to the note position and develop perfect pitch more quickly and accurately.
It’s simple to add CDE later.

Thanks for your reply justbeinmommy & mandabplus3.


forgot to mention that i have no musical planning to buy softmozart software. here people teach only "C D E" method no "Do Re Mi". so little bit confused which one start. If it is simple to add "C D E" later, then i will go with "Do Re mi" first and put him in the musical class where he will learn "C D E" when he turns 5. 
