do i have to take calsium and iron

I’m almost 32 weeks now. when i start take Ca (R. B.tone) and Fe(milical) i feel tired, heart burn, constipation, vomiting also gastric problem. when i talk my doctor regarding this she gave me zintac still no change. is there any way that i can solve these problems other than stop to take medicine.


Have you tried to take the calcium by iteself? Thesymptons you are describing sound like they are caused by the iron. What about a multi vitamin without iron and calcium until you feel stronger?

Do you already take a multi? I know when I take calcium with my multi, it makes me feel sick. I usually take calcium right before bed so it doesn’t bother me. Plus, it’s supposed to relax you.

when i take milical without R B.tone. i didn’t notice these difficulties. at that time only bad taste. and i’m also taking medicine just before the bed. doctor did not give me multivitamin.

I honestly can’t imagine a doctor not prescribing a prenatal vitamin! There are many more vitamins and minerals that a pregnant woman needs other than just calcium and iron! What about folic acid?! That’s absolutely essential! Seriously, go to the store and buy a prenatal vitamin and take that instead of separate calcium and iron. And you might want to get a new doctor while you’re at it.

nhockaday, you’re hysterical - and I couldn’t agree with you more!