Do girls learn quicker than boys or just the same?

Most of the videos I have watched are of girls reading… there are some of boys. Is it because it is easier to videotape girls, or is it because they really learn quicker? Has anyone followed the program with a boy and girl that could tell the difference. My kids (both boys) are quite active does that make any difference as to the speed at which they learn? :wub:

I wouldn’t know as I have not read enough about gender and performance; but I do know that mothers behave differently with boys and girls from the time they are born, and without being aware of it. (i.e. studies showed that boys would cry longer than girls before being picked up, that sort of things) so maybe we teach them differently? (as parents, not as teachers in a classroom)

I’m sure you are going to get a lot of answer with this post :slight_smile:

I gues It depends. boys develop faster math skills and motor skills, and girls develop faster language and comunication skills.

mothers behave differently with boys and girls from the time they are born

I agree to this. I am sometimes surprised that mothers spend more time educating girls than boys. Also some school teachers say that boys come to school less teached than girls. In average. Many boys do not receive any teaching from their mothers but mothers think that their sons are brilliant anyway. My personal opinion is that this is because of the male dominance in our society; many mothers think that boys are good as they are but girls need some improvement to be anything! And also in the adult world we often see that women needs to be better than man, to be in the same position!

But it is just my funny theory, do not take it seriously! (I have a girl) :tongue:

Girls do learn or talk faster than boy … i think it depends on the word learning means and learning what …

Statistically boys walk earlier than girls, and girls talks earlier than boys … on a comparable early or delay basis … eg girls talk faster because that is what the social skills they need most or the way their brain is wired since eons ago … since girls don’t do hunting and gathering, the social development aspect is faster … for boys mobility and such is faster … i think there was tonnes of documentary done on it over the last 2-3 decades … be it in BBC, or ABC or any other media … of course get the latest since certain misconception was expelled subsequently …

Its best to keep consistency and fairness regardless of who we are teaching boy or girl … and adjust according to their speed and abilities … i mean if you compared a delayed girl and a early boy … you might think the boy is faster etc … however if a boy is more sociable and mingle more with girls and play with dolls and talking to themsleves and dressing up, i may tend to worry … wondering what his orientation would be … there is a documentary on it … i think saw it some many years ago … so personally i think despite consistent teaching if the boy is delayed its understandable … they will catch up … its just how their brain is wired up …

From what I have heard and read, girls learn earlier and easier. It makes sense if you think about it; boys develop slower later in life.

Well as a mother of two boys and two girls I can tell you my girls have been far easier and more reseptive to learning at a much earlier age.

That being said I used a very loose Doman program with my older daughter and nothing with either boy.

I am doing a full program with younger daughter.

I do not believe that girls learn faster or more easily than boys… I believe they learn differently. Certainly girls in general do speak faster than boys and yet there are some boys that speak well and early same as some girls speak later. Some of the differences you may see relate to how babies are taught and perhaps also that in general it is the moter who is doing the teaching and will therefore choose a method that suits females more. The majority of schooling systems favour girls. In general also girls tend to prefer quieter activities to boys and therefore appear to have a greater concentration for written words, puzzles and fine motor activities. If you can find an activity that your son is interested in or if very active tape words onto a fast obstable course for example then they could learn just as fast purely because they are interested. You may also find that many early books are more geared to girls and many are written by female writers. Perhaps try more fast based boy-based books.

I have no proof about this, I just believe that children are individuals and you need to find the style that works for you and your child - the faster you can fid what works for them the faster they will learn. How fast you discover they are learning is another story altogether though and it is also possible that girls are more likely to show you what they know than boys are.

thanks for all your comments. I have a Bs in Education… and tagught several years at a school… but just wanted to get the viewpoint of mothers that have had both boys and girls, or that have used this methods with kids, since books are not exactly based on observations with early learning programs.

I agree that boys learn differently than girls, but so far I have only done the program with a boy so I can’t do any comparisons. The only reason that I haven’t been able to get him on tape is because he will show me something he has learned out of the blue and sometimes it may be something I taught him months ago :slight_smile: I rarely “test” him so right now he is taking it all in. He is very active as well, but I have found ways to teach him while he is on the move :slight_smile: