DIY Mental / physical abacus lessons

All and KL

I know we had a thread a couple of weeks ago around the benefits of Abacus lessons for Math.

Unfortunately, in South Africa we do not have any abacus lessons in South Africa and so I was wondering if anyone knows of a book / online instructions on how I can do abacus lessons with my daughter (14 months old). Is she too young for mental abacus learning? Maybe we start with physical abacus lessons first.

Any tips or pointers?

I would like to know as well,
There are lessons offer where I live, but my son is only 11months old and I don’t think they are going to enroll him lol…
Sarah , I don’t think its too young to teach your baby the concept of Abacus, since its almost like learning the dots (from 1-10).

My baby is 17 months old and I want to teach him how to use abacus. I did a little research on internet and I found that website: (they use soroban abacus)

I bought that program with abacus. I should have it in few days. But I can’t tell you no more about it until I will practice. I plan to start teaching my baby at 2. He has great motor skill (I started pre-writing activities long time ago). At this point I started to show him abacus flashcards on BK.

My baby knows how to count to 20. I’ve read a lot about kids 3 or 4 years old who can’t understand the context of number 5 in one bead (on abacus). Maybe when we start early it will not be an issue (this is just my thought).

These are some other links I found interesting about Soroban and how you can test your baby later on (second link). I found that very informative too. This is very long free description in pdf. You can sign up for free basic lessons on internet, very short, great for babies

I hope that will help :slight_smile:

Thanks so much martusia,
Those websites are very helpful!!
Please keep us updated on the abacus package you have purchased and give us your review!

karma to you.

Wow that looks great. We are doing Math U See Primer and it’s too easy. Maybe we will do this when we finish the primer book. 1/4 there is 3 weeks lol. Keep us posted on how you and your little one like it!!